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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:27 pm
by Orthoready21

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:09 pm
by lionfish
I was given a manual toothbrush and am quite happy with that. A friend uses an electric toothbrush.

Personal preference, I guess.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:56 pm
by OctoberMM
Christ, I'm on day three and I can't imagine touching my teeth with anything electric.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:16 pm
by Attagirl2
Like Meryaten said it depends on what gets the job done. I personally don't brush long enough - bad habit I know. So for me the electric is better because I get more revolutions with it than I would moving my brush around manually. Plus, it is easier on my gums with the electric one. But that said I do use a manual when away from home, and occasionaly at home in the middle of the day.
(I just have a battery operated Chrest Spinbrush).

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:32 pm
by Danielle
I love the Rotadent Toothbrush... I can't imagine life in braces without it. When I use a regular tootbrush (even a really small and soft brush) it doesn't clean as well (in my head) because it can't fit everywhere and if you ask me it hurts to use a manual brush when you're teeth/gums are sore. The Rotadent is well worth every penny. Last night I tried that new Listerine stuff (not sure of the exact name) that turns your mouth blue--after dinner I was all kinds of blue... I put barely any effort into brushing to see how good the Rotadent is... seconds later no blue at all.

Alright, enough of my pro-Rotadent rant... use what works best for you!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:35 pm
by jennandtonic
I really like manual, I used electric before I had braces and didn't feel that 'clean teeth' feeling after I brushed with it. However, like someone said up there, it's personal preference.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:42 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Away from the pad I use Manul toothbrush

At Home I use my Oral-B Triumph I guess I must get the 150 dollars out of the use of this toothbrush.

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:53 pm
by acd
I have been using an electric since I got my braces and I'm very happy with it. My orthodontist recommends the use of an electric.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:52 pm
by Chris
I use "handpowered" and my Rotadent! Rotadent has those bristles that go right under the arch wire!

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:03 am
by TuZZi
I've been using an electric toothbrush since day 2 in braces, and there is no way I am EVER going back to using only a manual brush. Using an electric is sooooooo much easier, and puts very little stress on your gums unlike a manual brush. I had receeding gums from using a manual brush, and it has considerably slowed down since using the electric.

Using an electric brush has also made my teeth a lot cleaner, as it's so much easier to get the hard to reach places with the rotating circle brushes, you don't have to worry about which way you hold your hand, or how much pressure you use, or anything like that. I also find I can brush my teeth for a lot longer using the electric, as it can also stimulate my gums at the same time. Almost every night now I brush for at least 12-15 minutes, while with a manual brush, I would get bored after 2 minutes.

Maybe I'm just lazy, but electric toothbrushes are a godsend to me. I wish I had invested in one earlier... my receeding gums will need surgery after the braces come off.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:32 am
by vivi21
i been using electric too since i got my braces & i love my Rotadent brush but i think some people due better w/manual it all depends what works for u :tingrin:

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:37 am
by newmetal
Ill be honest, i find electric better than manual but this is because im lazy and elec toothbrushes mean less work for me. Although, if you are not lazy and take good care of your teeth then manual is probably just as good.

Let us know which one you opt for.


Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:24 pm
by Kat
I bought a Sonic care after reading about it on this forum. Used it for maybe 5 weeks and I noticed my teeth startinf to ping, really hurt.
I stopped using this brush and went back to a soft manual brush and I have to say my teeth are MUCH less sensitive now, they are stillsensitive but not near as much. I want to go back to the electric because I know it cleans but now it's no way worth the hurt.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:32 pm
by bip
My ortho's office gives you an oral-b triumph when you get your braces. I've used it twice. It makes me feel like my head is going to vibrate off. Maybe it just takes getting used to but thus far I prefer manual. I have two different sized brushes in my medicine cabinet and my tooth kit and between the two of them, i end up feeling like i've done a good job cleaning so i haven't really tried to force myself to use the oral-b. My husband is jealous - maybe i'll give it to him! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:53 pm
by cmm1280
I've only had my braces for a month. I used the manual brush the first few days while my teeth were pretty sensitive (anything hitting the arch wire at that time was pretty tough). After that, it's the electric most of the time. I still use both though. I have always been very happy with my electric and would recommend it to everyone. I have a cybersonic.