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Best Dentakit refills to order in advance?

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:02 pm
by Lee54
What refills are most likely to be needed for the Dentakit? Not having any experience with any of the items, I don't know which are most useful or hardest to find individually at local drug stores, etc., and thought it might be best to go ahead and order some when getting the initial kit. I haven't seen locally any type floss that's "stiff" at one end, so assume that's one thing? Thanks for any help.

(I tried posting this earlier but it hasn't appeared, so I'm trying again. Sorry if two finally show up!)

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:57 pm
by OctoberMM
Yesterday at Wal-Mart I bought some wax (mint!), some numbing strips, and three weeks worth of wire cleaners (those long, brush things that you use to clean between brackets).

Maybe I'll buy a DentaKit package, because it seems that locating all the stuff I'll need might be hard, whereas DentaKit has it all in one place! The reason I didn't this time was because I needed them ASAP - another reason to be prepared and buy from DK :P .

::EDIT:: You may notice that this post has been edited quite a few times. Most of them have been because of typos, but I also edited the post because when I first wrote it, I hadn't really researched the topic as well as I'd thought I had.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:45 pm
by cowlypso
My plan is to try out the stuff in the dentakit for a few days and then I'll know what stuff works best for me. Sort of like a sampler pack. Then I'll be able to figure out what refills I might need. Should be enough time to order anything I want to and have it show up before I totally run out.

I asked for one for Christmas, so I don't even have to pay. 8) My only complaint is that it doesn't come in purple. (KK, can I get an "amen"?)

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:47 pm
by iBorg
Crest Glide Floss....can't live or at least floss without it.

On a side note, placed an order late Thursday night with for some items I can't get locally or they were cheaper on-line. Got notice today (Saturday), that they were shipped today. Nice service.


Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:52 pm
by turrrtlelove22
i made my own kit...hehe. i put it all in a cute bag to carry in my purse. i just picked up a few things here and there while going around pricing Water Piks.
In mine I put:
~ travel size toothbrush/paste
~ some Crest Glide samples that came with my toothpaste
~ travel size Scope Mouthwash
~ travel size Crest Pro-Health mouth rinse
~ Dentek brush picks
~ Mint flavored wax...(hehe)
~ mirror
and i always carry bottled water with me
am i missing anything?

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:55 pm
by turrrtlelove22
Your kit must be HUGE turrrtlelove, compared to the small black bag that Dentakit comes in.

Nope...not all. It fits perfect in my purse and everything is travel size. (It's a purple Hello Kitty pouch... :wink: ) I've had it forever and it just so happened to be the right size for me... :D I love bags and purses so they have to be cute. My purse is my life line. I have everything in there. (including my bottled water... :wink:)

I do have the individual packages of Glide floss.
I didn't want to buy the whole thing and not like it, so I got some Crest Pro-Health toothpaste that had 7 free individual packages of the Crest Glide in it. Plus I had a coupon on that toothpaste, too. (yay coupns) And I'm glad I did. Don't like it much. I'll stick to my Oral-B Satin Flosos. :D

Yes, my bottled water is a total must. I even took one to my consult!!! haha

Oh...nail clippers for poky wires? I have those in my other

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:16 am
by bbsadmin
I put a variety of of tools and aides on the DentaKit site because different people like different things. I'm always adding stuff. For example, for a long time I didn't carry the plastic threader needles because I was carrying "threader floss." But the truth is, some people prefer the plastic needles (it just works better for their situation).

When I created the DentaKit survival kit product I based it on my own experiences and needs. There are lots of products out there that you can buy in your local store. I think that everybody tries to put together their own little kit at first. But it can be frustrating sometimes trying to find certain things. And some of the things I offer aren't even sold in stores or provided in ortho offices. For busy people, or people live in very rural areas, the online shopping is a great convenience.

Anyway, answering the original question, most people find that they run out of toothpaste and have to replace their travel toothbrush and/or the spiral proxibrush, get more wax, plus the floss packets. The Pick-a-Dent is virtually indestructible and can last a really long time! The cup will last forever, it's an amazing little thing.

I think that you should figure out what works best for you. The important thing is to keep your braces and teeth clean. Whether it's the DentaKit product or something you put together yourself is less important than keeping up your oral hygiene.

Thanks, everyone, for the helpful replies...

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:47 pm
by Lee54
Thanks so much for all the replies, everyone. What a great site!