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Loose Molar Bands

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:09 pm
by Tamms
OK, first of all I want to thank everyone for their great advice earlier on my tooth pain! I feel 100% better! I'm even almost eating regular foods now.

But, one of my molar bands has come loose and can slip off. So, I'm off to the ortho in the morning. :(

Anyway, i'm wondering if you all have had problems with the bands loosening? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Or maybe it's just normal.

Anyway, thanks again for the great advice earlier!
Tammy :)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:05 am
by Tamms
Just a little update. I got the bands fixed and the ortho put another band on that he had spacers in for. So, it's on to the Nance next! The staff is starting to remember me from time to time so that's kinda cool too!
Anyway, just thought I'd update y'all!
Tammy :)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:58 am
by Lisa65
Nice to see another member of the Nance club, Tamms. When is it being put in?
I'm glad your ortho was able to reattach your molar band. The staff at my ortho's also greet me by name when I go. I'm not sure whether they actually remember me or perhaps they just check their computer screen as I walk in the door, but it's nice to feel that personal touch.

Keep us posted on your progress.
Lisa :D

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:11 pm
by KJM
Glad that you got that fixed Tammy. I have had a molar band come loose once too, I dont think that its something that you "did" it just happens. :)

Thats great that your starting to feel better also! How are the new molar bands feeling tonight?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:31 pm
by Tamms
My mouth is sore tonight. Not really from the bands but I had to talk a lot at work today and my tongue is sore and my teeth have shifted a bit due to the spacers and are just sore and sensitive. I have one tooth that is hard to bite on as it's gotten extra sensitive. Hope it's nothing serious! I was eating primarly with that tooth before so I hope that's all it is. I'll be waxing up good before bed tonight to let my mouth get a little rest from these things.
Thanks for asking!
Tammy :)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:24 am
by Tamms
Hey Lisa! My nance goes in on December 11th. It will have a bite plate attached too... so double stuff to get used to! :shock:
I already lisp some with the bands in so I can't imagine what it will be like with the nance! Yikes! :)

Tammy :)