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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:08 am
by starbaby71
So I had my fourth adjustment yesterday.. and my ortho gave me elastics to wear. They go from the hook on my very back bottom molar.. to my first molar up top. And they hurt soooo much :( I hate them. First off, they were impossible to get on the first time.. it literally took me 10 minutes on one tooth. That's because the hook is so close to the bone in my jaw that there was no room to fit anything else in there! And all the squishing and pushing made my gums start to bleed :( I had a little easier time the second try but my whole mouth hurts SO much. Like all of my molars are being pulled from their roots.. lol. I'm really not a huge fan of these elastics.. I suppose I'll get used to them but in the meantime, they hurt like heck :( And how the heck do you kiss someone when you have elastics all over your mouth?? laaame..

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:37 pm
by srg1977
I've had elastics for the last 3? months, and I was always given a little plastic tool to help put the elastics in - about 2 inches long with a small hook on one end and kind of a grabber-thing on the other end. Without it, there's no way the elastics would go on my back molars. See if you can get one of these from your office.

As far as hurting - it took me almost 2 weeks to be able to sleep with them in. Even now, I can't talk with them in, they still hurt that much. The phone rang in the middle of the night and I picked up and tried to say hello. Let's just say that i was definitely awake after that!

Not very encouraging, I know, but it did get better (just a lot slower than I would have liked). Take whatever pain medications take the edge off - prior to putting in the elastics!

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:19 pm
by lionfish
Hang in there with the elastics, and you should get used to them. I know I had some discomfort after I started wearing them for the first time, and actually reached for the painkillers (unusual for me). I started with two (box configuration) and another two were added (vertical, canine to canine/premolar), a couple of weeks ago.

I wear them fulltime and eat with them in place. The vertical config makes it difficult to shove a dessertspoon in my mouth, so I'm having to use a teaspoon at the moment. That draws a few laughs, I can tell you.

I've used the plastic tool since day one, but if I'm away from it (like when I went diving on Tuesday night), I can reattach the elastics without the tool (and without a mirror too!)

After 4 months, they've been downgraded to a minor inconvenience. But I love what they've done for my bite. The nuisance value is worth it for that.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:08 am
by NotBob1
It kind of sounds like that one hook needs to be bent out a bit. (By the Orthodontist, of course!) The elastics will get better. I have some on the molars as well as other teeth and the molars are by FAR the worst as farf as pain goes! You do need to wear them. Just do it and get it over with. Advil does the trick for me. I use 3-4. This is what I do and I am in no way suggesting you do the same, you need to decide that. It does do the trick, though.....

take care![/b]

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:09 am
by principessa
Eeeek! My ortho told me yesterday that I may have to have elastics to correct my bite .... I had no idea what they were really until I started reading some of the posts on here .... and now i'm scared!!!!!!! They sound absolutely awful! Waaaah! :-((

But on the positive hang in there starbaby - I've learnt that whatever pain and discomfort we might have now - it'll be worth it for our gorgeous smiles!!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:43 am
by lionfish
principessa wrote:Eeeek! My ortho told me yesterday that I may have to have elastics to correct my bite .... I had no idea what they were really until I started reading some of the posts on here .... and now i'm scared!!!!!!! They sound absolutely awful! Waaaah! :-((
Huh? You're not reading my posts, then. They are just another piece of equipment to get used to. I barely notice they're there now.

Elastics really move teeth. I still marvel at what they've done for my bite in a short space of time.

So you can stop crying now. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:55 pm
by xtrememkovr
I just got elastics during my very first adjustment on Wednesday - and whew. They are strong little fellows. :) I take them out to eat and then put them right back on again. If I leave them out longer (like yesterday I left them out due to the pumpkin pie - but didn't eat the pie until about 30 minutes after the meal ) I noticed they were a bit more ouchier than before - but with in a few hours my mouth has adjusted and they are fine again.

I keep thinking about the end result - and also come on here and read thru a few diaries of people who have had elastics. The great results keep me putting them back on again. :)

I got a little plastic tool from my ortho and I it helps a lot. My fingers are so big that those little rubber bands would be the death of me I think with out it!


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:07 pm
by principessa
okay, okay, so I overreacted!!! (I tend to do that a lot!) :lol: It was just when I read that Starbaby was having a lot of pain af first I kind of panicked. After 5 months and still suffering from the mouth ulcers and gaping holes in the cheeks which I naively thought would disappear after a week or so(!) I kinda though 'oh heck - more pain!'. But I guess like everything else on this brace journey - i'll get used to it! So please forgive my little 'eeeek'! I'm a still a brace-baby on this journey compared to some! :oops:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:13 am
by principessa
Thanks for the advice guys - I'll definitely give your suggestions a go. I must admit - 5 months of mouth ulcers has not been fun! Finding dental wax here in the UK has been a bit of a nightmare so I've just started to order some off the Net - it's a bit pricey becuase of the delivery charges but the wax does make a different to the chafing so it's worth it!!! It's when the end of the wire digs into the cheek - that's awful! Might have to get the pliers out!!!!!! :wink:

Good news about the elastics though - Methinks I can live with a couple of days tenderness - I know it'll be worth it for my longed for perfect smile!!!
P xx

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:14 am
by principessa
Hmmmm - ear plugs eh? That's a novel idea!!!! I'd never thought of that one!!!! But I'll give anything a go once!!! Thanks for the link Meryaten!!!