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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:20 pm
by newmetal
I currently have a spring which is trying to make space for a wayward tooth. Ive had the spring for about a month now and it has made space for the tooth, but on one side the side of the tooth is still slightly behind the dominant crowded tooth..Do you catch my drift? I just want to know when will they attatch that appliance to the archwire to start bringing the wayward tooth to the surface> Does there have to be clear space for the tooth to come through?? Anyone who has had this your opinions would be good. Sorry if this post in confusing.


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:49 pm
by pippy
Hi Newmetal. With my bottom lateral they waited until the springs had pushed a clear space for the tooth to come through before attaching the wire (hmm now for the first time in my life I have a gap in my teeth :shock: ). With the top lateral, about a quarter of it was hiding behind my front it looked kinda like the bracket on it was right next to my front tooth. I wondered what he was going to do with it coz the gap wasn't goiing to drag it out from behind!! He attached it at the same time as the bottom one even though the springs hadn't made really enough room....and in the last 5 weeks the archwire itself has dragged it out from behind...I have no idea how. but it has :) Its a bit more pressure than normal but seems to work pretty quickly. Hope that helps.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:42 pm
by newmetal
Thanks for the responses. I hope they start trying to bring the wayward tooth to the front on my next adjustment....cant stand the wayward tooth. Once a device is attatched does it take long to bring the wayward one in line with the rest of the teeth??

Once again thanks for the responses, they are really helpful.


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:57 pm
by acd
My ortho put in a spring and tied my wayward upper lateral when I first got my braces three weeks ago. Since then the ceramic bracket come off that tooth twice and he replaced it with a metal band. Right now the bracket is being pulled into the back of my canine tooth because there isn't enough room for it to come forward yet. I haven't felt too much discomfort so as far as I'm concerned he should have put on a stronger spring. The main reason why I got braces is to move this tooth forward so it can't happen too soon.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:20 pm
by SDFD TSchott
I Know this is someone elses thread about a quesiton so instead of repeating this I was just curious, why is it that my braces hardly show up in pictures but my cousins stands out!

SDFD TSchott

Shes got blue ligs I have red

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:56 am
by joney
Hi newmetal

My daughter who is 13 and has a brace had a spring for 6 weeks which moved the teeth apart to make room for her wayward incisor. She then had the incisor hooked up to the brace and it moved into place within days! She is delighted with her new arch. So in her case in moved really quickly into place. Of course everyone is different and maybe teeth move quicker into place in a 13 year old. I hope your tooth moves into place soon.
