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How are teeth rotated?

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:16 pm
by joney
I'm probably jumping the gun a bit here considering I've only had my brace for 12 days but my upper incisor next to my central will need to be rotated to make it sit straight on. I'm sure this is a question for my ortho but I was just wondering if anybody here had teeth rotated and if so how it was achieved?

Joney :D

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:42 pm
by ChooChooo
I am curious about the same thing too, as I have t lower teeth that need to be sl. rotated. I have no answers for you though :oops:

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:02 pm
by lionfish
I had an upper incisor that needed to be rotated, and my ortho used a part powerchain to do it. It hurt a bit to get the powerchain on, but once on it was OK. I also had part powerchains on two lower premolars to turn them. They worked fine.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:46 pm
by Gennel
My right lower canine is completely rotated. When I look at it in the mirror it looks like the letter T . I had lower braces on like 6-8 weeks ago and the ortho bent the archwire where I have a gap from an extraction so when the archwire starts straigtening out it will twist the canine slowly. It really was not that painfull. At my last adjustment he had to remove the archwire to work on something


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:26 pm
by Delag
I have a canine that needs to be rotated as well. My tooth seems to be rotating quite a bit, but in the wrong direction :x I'll ask about it when I see my ortho on Monday and pass on what he says.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:10 pm
by Lisa65
on my lower arch my canines and 2nd premolars were tipped AND rotated because they'd moved to fill in a gap caused by extractions in my teens. In just 4 months they are almost straight, just with brackets and wires. They have always been more tender than the other teeth since being braced, but given the amount they've moved, I'm not really surprised.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:01 pm
by joney
Thanks everybody for the replies. I'll let you know what the ortho does. It's funny how I never really noticed how crooked that tooth was before but now I am anxious to get it straight. It's hooked up to the wire now (but no bends or anything) so hopefully that will do some work.


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:58 pm
by deltawire
I too had a slightly rotated tooth at the bottom and the ortho placed wire around the bracket, twisted it tightly and clip it really short. Then she placed a ligature around the twisted wire. This rotated my tooth within a couple of days but when they removed the twisted wire it was very sensitive. Best of luck!


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:11 pm
by Higgy
I had (have) 2 teeth rotating via treatment. The first was my upper right canince, which came in exactly reversed from how it should be (180 degrees) and my bottom front left tooth which is/was 80 degrees off. First they made room for it to turn in by using a spring over the front four, then when that was adequate, they were able to put a bracket on it, then did a figure 8 sort of thing (technical term eh?) as well as a powerchain being used to pit the two teeth to the right against the one...which is supposted to turn it very quickly...only 2 weeks between the application and my next adjustment. Only 6 more days!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:37 pm
by tin_grin
I have an upper canine that needs to be rotated. It seemed to be getting worse, so at my last adjustment (about 7 weeks ago) my ortho put a spring (coil?) in because I couldn't floss there, not even with Super Floss. I can floss now, but it's still turned. My next adjustment is Monday so I may get a powerchain or something. Fun! { :-/

Braced: July 19, 2006
Estimated tx time: 18 - 24 months

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:48 pm
by Higgy
mine didn't rotate with the powerchain and metal i'm back to the spring to make some more adjustment...dec 14

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:33 pm
by CLAmom
Well, my ortho finally started rotating my upper lateral at my last adjustment, so about 8 months into treatment. First they had to make room so the central incisor was moved forward (for a lovely hillbilly smile). This last adjustment they downgraded my wire to that first round flexible one that most people get. They took the old bracket off & repositioned a new one on what in the future would be the front of the tooth. Then, a partial powerchain to top it all off. That was a few weeks ago & there has been some movement but mostly with that central incisor & not so much with the rotated lateral. There's still a little space there so it may happen yet. I had a lot of achy teeth that day but it was all on the opposite side of my mouth. Go figure. I'm sure the guy knows what he's doing but I sure don't. :lol: