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Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:40 am
by Higgy
I have 12 cleats on my braces, so I can totally understand...there's no feeling like that pit in your stomach when the floss gets tangled or stuck! Frantically trying to get it out....helps none....much better to take a moment, take a deep breath and try again....when in doubt..cut the floss and take it out bit by bit. I had my first scare the other night with my wire...I have the self-litigating braces, where they put the wire in and close the door....well, on that bottom I only have a really weak wire, becuase they're not moving the teeth together, they're moving them apart....and as I was flossing, I managed to pull the wire out of the "door", but with a bit of work, it went right back in and the door closed...have an adjustment tomorrow, so I'll make sure things are fine then, but no worries!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:47 am
by Tamms
Oh WOW! I had something sort of similar... not stuck in a cleat (is that the little bracket on the inside of the bands??) but stuck between the band and my other tooth! I thought I was going to pull the band off! Oh well... Fun stuff eh?

Tammy :)