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Bite Plate Question

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:05 pm
by iBorg
I have had a bite plate for about two months. I keep on thinking my lisp is going to go away, but I still have a bit of one with the bite plate in. It goes away when I remove it. It seems to be secure in the roof of my mouth.

I'm also wondering about switching from ceramics to metal. Two easy questions for those of you with a bite plate, has your lisp gone away? Do you have metal or ceramics? I'm wondering if the smaller size of the metals would help reduce the lisp.


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:30 pm
by windsbud
I have a bite plate on the bottom and metal brackets on my top teeth. I have had them on for about 6 weeks and yes, I still have a lisp. It does go away when I remove it. I dont know if it will ever go away completely. I cant wait until i no longer need it!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:33 pm
by dcw
The lisp goes away, when you stop wearing it LOL

I could not wear mine at all during the day, just could not get to a point where I could be understood -

Ortho applied epoxy to the bottom mollars to keep me from bisting off my brackets

Still have the original bite guard, thinking of listing on ebay . . . . . .

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:37 pm
by akabraces
I have had a bite plate for a few months now and don't lisp....sometimes if I talk way too fast and am tired, I have a tiny lisp thingy going on, but usually I'm fine (at least, I think I am...)...
Just talk a whole lot and it will get better hopefully!


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:52 pm
by iBorg
Do you have metal or ceramic braces? After six weeks I really expected my lisp to lessen versus getting worse. If its not getting worse, it sure isn't getting better.
