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Fruit or no fruit???????

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:57 am
by SuzyQ!
Just a question!
My dentist is telling me that some of my (back) teeth are decaying because of food i may eat, i eat loads and loads of fruit, (not fruit juice).
The dentist has said this is what it will be, hes said not too much fruit, but i eat quite alot because i think im being healthy and good to my body and for vitamins etc. So what should i do? Carry on eating fruit and have healthy body, good skin etc or stop eating it so my teeth dont decay?
Got a brace yesterday so feel going thru all this effort for my teeth and dont want to decay them!
Any opinions on this one?
Any fruits worse than other?
Should i be brushing after eating fruit or will this make it worse?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:36 pm
by lionfish
I wouldn't stop eating fruit, but maybe moderate your intake a bit. I eat between 3-4 pieces a day, and there are few I don't eat. If you're concerned, talk to a nutritionist about which fruits may be better to eat in higher volumes, and vice versa.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:18 pm
by lisaemtp
Perhaps brushing or rinsing soon after the fruit could help, so that the sugars aren't sitting on your teeth?


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:43 pm
by Attagirl2
I think rinsing and brushing after you eat fruit (now that you are in braces) makes a lot of sense. You would be surprised how much can get tucked into those brackets and wires. I would just be sure to brush lightly. Also, a waterpick or some other oral irragation unit might be helpful.

I know for me, if I eat apples for several days in a row, my teeth become VERY sensitive and I have to stop for a while.

It could also be that you have softer teeth than other people. I know that my brother has very soft teeth (compared to the rest of the family) and has had more dental problems than I have had.

Hopefully you can determine your best options.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:02 pm
by giggy18
I definitely agree with the suggestion to see some nutritionist and your dentist to discuss which kind of food you should eat and what you should cut down on.

I got my braces on last week, and the general advice I get from everyone I know is not to bite into an apple or a pear, or something hard like that. Sliced ones are ok though.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:46 pm
by swellen
I suffer from dry mouth so anything acidic is bad for my teeth (things like... most fruits :lol:). My dentist said I could still eat fruit, but make sure I drink lots of water with it and brush afterwards where possible. He recognises that I can't change my diet totally. So long as I'm engaging in my usual (ridiculously laborious) cleaning routine it's no problem. Just be careful about flossing because bits of apple etc stuck in gaps is BAD news.