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Implants and braces

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:15 pm
by fins
Is it possible to have braces with implants? Just wondering, I thought that implants did not move therefore braces would not move the tooth.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:57 am
by Lisa65
Fins, I guess you're talking about actual tooth implants here and not the temporary mini-screw implants that some people have to help move their teeth?

I wouldn't think that a tooth implant could be moved after it was put in. They screw into the bone and fuse with it, so would be I imagine immovable once that had happened.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:19 pm
by MS1
I need one dental implant myself and both my orthodontist and my regular dentist said that you must get braces before the implant because as others have stated, the implant will not move.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:25 pm
by Catmom
I have implants in all four corners of my mouth, one of which is a small bridge. Fortunately they are all far enough back that my ortho can still put the braces on, using the teeth in front of the implants as the anchors.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:06 pm
by jdub
I've got a root-canal gone bad that will be replaced with an implant. But the Dr wouldn't do anything since I was looking to get braces soon. And as others have stated - once it's there, it doesn't move. So, I'm getting braces in a few weeks and I'll have the extraction/implant once the braces some off.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:14 pm
by tin_grin
Sorry this isn't much help, but like jdub I had a root-canaled tooth removed (a week after the braces went on) that could not accept a post for a crown. The plan was to do the braces, and then an implant (if needed). I don't know what happens if you have the implant first, I suppose they take it out. Best of luck to you!

Braced: July 19, 2006
Estimated tx time: 18 -24 months

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:54 am
by fins
This is what I thought then, the implants don't move once they are in place.

Tin-grin: what are you using now, while being braced?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:22 am
by Betty Bat
I can't help with the question on having braces while you have implants either, but I'm another person who is supposed to get implants after my braces. My implant guy (not sure what to call him!) said that the posts could be installed about 3 months before the braces come off - that will give the posts a chance to heal and settle in. Since I've had my braces for over a year now and I think I'm pretty close to the predicted end date (April, 2007), I asked my ortho about my prognosis when I went for my adjustment this week. The ortho (who I reall like and trust) asked me if I was really in a hurry to get the implants in because he said that he would advise strongly that I wait until after I'm out of braces and in my retainer for a while, just to give things a chance to settle in. Actually, he said that if I was his wife, he would advise me to wait - I thought this was very nice of him. And, since I've waited over 40 years (!) to get one of my baby teeth replaced, I figure a few more months won't make that much of a difference to me.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:04 pm
by tin_grin

I just have a big gap. The tooth was a back molar (second-to-last), so it doesn't really show. We're not expecting my teeth to move so much to fill it in, so I will most likely need an implant when the braces are coming off.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:21 pm
by fins
I did meet someone who was getting her implant after being debanded. I haven't seen her though so I can't ask her how she made out with it. I think dental implants are an area that's been growing in leaps and bounds.