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Braces~ and Preggy! anyone???

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:07 pm
by spideywoman

Hi there,

I am newly braced (2 mths uppers~ lowers as of THIS MORNING~ ouch) and also hoping to be pregnant soon.

Anybody out there have non~medication ideas for pain relief?

I could take tylenol~ but only as a last resort. It always makes me feel sick...

Perhaps we can start our own club to swap stories!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:28 pm
by Keith
Well, I am a boy but I don't recall using ibuprofen at anytime during my treatment for pain, I just kind of lived with it.

However, there are some foods that have anti-inflammatory properties, including fish and flaxseed meal. Fish especially rich in omega-3 include fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna, and sardines. Even simply changing cooking oils to canola, olive, soybean, flaxseed, macadamia nut, and cold-pressed grape seed oils can substantially increase the dietary intake of omega-3. And recent medical advice has pointed to fis has being good during pregnancy though it was once considered a no-no.

Also berries and other foods rich in antioxidants are good. dark chocolate, cinnamon, and a myriad of colorful veggies. Green Tea is good but I heard that certain teas cause problems in small percentages of pregnancies.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:54 pm
by Delag
Long story longer....I took my daughter to her massage thearpy last week and noticed that there was a poster of a giant foot on the wall. This of course grabbed my attention as there were teeth and other organs drawn all over it. The lady told me that it was a reflexology (sp?) chart. I of course asked about the teeth and she said that every part of the body, including teeth, can be worked on through the feet. It would seem to me that tooth pain management might fit in there somewhwere. Just an idea.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:23 pm
by David
That's like the Chinese acupressure thing, somehow related to acupuncture.

I don't profess to understand it at all but I know a couple of points in the hands which you can massage to relieve a headache.

I'm sure there's someone on the board who knows about it.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:27 pm
by ghostmyimag3
Well since your hoping to be pregnant it isnt really a good idea to take anything other than tylenol. I've never been pregnant, but my sister in law is a nurse and i hear her talk about things such as this alot.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:44 pm
by jcdamon3
Just limit your intake of tuna. When pregnant you have to watch out for the larger fish as they have mercury issues.

Good luck! I have only had to take ibuprofen a couple of times during treatment. I can't take tylenol at all. I guess when I was pregnant (without braces) I just suffered.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:02 pm
by spideywoman

I had actually forgotten all about reflexology. I know a little about it, and used it regularly a loooooong time ago. I have a cousin who is well~trained in it, and will need to ask her where to find the nerves for the teeth :0) thanks for the idea !

Fish is something I do miss, and have not had enough of, as I married someone with SERIOUS fish allergies.. But I do love salmon and mussels. Flax is something I add regularly to most foods, but not sure if it is recommended during pregnancy?

Today was day 2 of my lowers, and since I am someone who doesn't usually like to take medicine~ I have been good so far.

Heck~ I gave birth to my first without meds, so I guess I can handle some sensitive teeth??? It hasn't been bad so far, and I have power chains on top. But I have heard scary things about the elastics, so we shall see.

Thanks for all the ideas.

There is always a good old~fashioned bubble~bath I guess...