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Their out

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:53 am
by dymond25

I got all four wisdom teeth extracted yesterday. OUCH!!! Yes, I said ouch. My my mouth is so sore, but much better from yesterday and I am swollen. My surgeon was afraid about pulling one of my lower third molars due to it being impacted and very close ( he actually said intimate) with my jaw nerve. He said, I was at very high risk of having a broken jaw and having my jaws wired for 6 weeks. I am happy to announce that everythings end well. They said, I had big teeth. lol Also, two of my molars broke coming out. All in all, I am glad to have this out the way and is still anxious to get my braces. Please tell me that the initial pain for braces will not be as bad as the wisdom teeth extractions. Also, can anyone tell me if I will be able to eat on Xmas considering I get braced on 21 Dec? Meaning will my mouth be able to handle it?

The perocet is making me itch. I am also on Amoxcil (mis), I guess that antibotic is for precautionary reasons. I have dissolvable stitches and will not return to the surgeon unless something goes wrong. I still have some bleeding and vomitted three times last night. I hope today will be better. Thanks everyone for being so supportive :).

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:28 am
by joney
Hi dymond25

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I wish you a speedy recovery soon.

I had extractions, only two premolars and I have to say that braces were easy in comparison. I would therefore imagine that after having your wisdom teeth extracted you will sail through braces.

As to being able to eat Xmas dinner, I must admit that I was still eating pretty soft food on day 4 but Christmas dinner is quite soft anyway. I'm not sure which part of the world you are in but in England it is quite soft! I found, at first, that as long as I cut things up very small I was able to eat well, albeit much slower than normal.


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:43 am
by dymond25
Thanks, I see you are fairly new in your braces Joney. Do you like them and is all that initial pain gone? Is there a place on this site to see what the different is in metal and ceramic braces? Thanks in advance. I am quite sure my denist told me that I would be getting metal, so I guess that choice is not up to me. What the difference/

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:02 pm
by lionfish
Hi dymond, hopefully the worst is behind you. I think you'll find the discomfort from braces far less than the pain you've experienced with extractions.

You should be able to eat the Xmas fare 4 days after you get your braces.

The difference between ceramic and metal is aesthetic. Ceramics are less visible even at close range. A lot of people here do ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. Sometimes there is an additional cost for ceramics, but not always. If you do a search for ceramics, you will come up with information.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:35 pm
by dymond25
Thanks lionfish, I found some information on the difference between ceramic and metal on this forum under the newbie section. I am glad to hear that I should be able to eat.

How do I go about starting a count down ticker for my braces? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:39 pm
by lionfish
There are instructions on how to set up a ticker on the How Do I section. As you can see, I'm a bit slack on that front.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:53 pm
by dymond25
Thanks Lionfish I will check out that section.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:01 pm
by joney
Hi dymond25

I am happy to report that I didn't really have any pain although for some strange reason I couldn't bite comfortably at the back for about a week or so. I guess I've been lucky, I was expecting some pain but I just felt a sort of tightness and I have noticed some movement in the 3 weeks so I am very happy with my braces.

I have damon 3s which are 1/2 metal half clear. They are fine really, only thing I think is that if I'd had other braces I could have had fun with elastic colours but my ortho wanted to use them so I am happy to go with the recommendation.

Have a look in the brace stories part of this site and you will see lots of photos of the different types of braces.

I'm sure you'll be fine when you get your braces on. If there is something bothering you at that time then there are a lot of people here who will help and advise.


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:31 pm
by *boom!*
Sorry to hear about the painful extractions. I had four extractions on Wednesday and they weren't near as bad as my wisdom teeth were so I feel for ya.

I got my uppers the day before Thanksgiving and eating was slow but okay as everything was pretty soft. I think you'll do fine!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:24 am
by dymond25
Thanks Boom,

One side of my mouth no longer hurt, but of course the other side does and their is still quite a bit of swelling. I have really had it with the swelling and is ready for it to go away.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:17 am
by spideywoman
I ate a full turkey dinner (slowly) just 4 days after getting braced for Canadian thanksgiving!

The turkey was nice and soft, and I ate tons of mashed potatos, stuffing just drowning in gravy! It was actually my first real (non~soup) meal in the 4 days, and I was so hungry by then it was heaven!

Just don't push yourself, relax, and cut everything up in teeny pieces. Everything was smooshed on the top of my mouth then swallowed, so no need to chew! Haha

I found the worst part was just being self~consious. I got ceramic uppers, so halfway through the meal~ I apologized to my uncle for being so "messy" ~ and he didn't even know what the heck I was talking about. I had to TELL him about the braces and I had been smiling at him all night!


Just keep water handy, it helps keep the food away from your front brackets