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How soon after extractions can I have a soda?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:27 pm
by valster
My list says no carbonated drinks. It's been 24 hours and I am JONESING for a Diet Pepsi.



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:51 pm
by tin_grin
I don't remember how long you have to wait... I hope you can hold out b/c you really DON'T want a dry socket! I was careful but got one anyway and it was such a drag. Gross. Give your doctor a call tomorrow if you can.

I DO know that you can't use a straw for a while (for the same reason).

It seems like forever, but the place where your tooth was will eventually close and you'll say, "I thought that would NEVER close!" ;-)

Good luck to you & hang in there!

Braced: July 19, 2006
Estimated tx time: 18 - 24 mos

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:50 pm
by ChangingBraces
You'll get past it...just hang in there. I havent had any extractions but I'm not supposed to have anything carbonated either & it was sooo hard at first to give up coca cola, cuz I really loved it. I like carbonation, caffeine, the whole bit. My coffee intake has increased since then, but I did get over the cola cravings. I've been very good about avoiding carbonation....all I've had is champage at Thanksgiving. So you can do it too :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:09 am
by Chris
I know I'll probably be pummeled for saying this but its best you get use to NOT drinking carbonated drinks regularly while in braces. Not good. Find a good substitute. Ok, everyone, I've got my shield up...throw your stones.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:22 am
by cowlypso
I don't have my braces yet, but I overheard my ortho giving some instructions to a parent last time I was in the waiting room. He said that soda was not a good thing, but that he understands that people aren't going to give it up. He recommends, if you're going to do it, to use a straw. That way, it bypasses a lot of your teeth and doesn't do as much damage. I rarely drink it. I mostly use caffiene as a drug, and only use it when I need to stay awake. Unfortunately, I don't like coffee, so soda it is. So I did just stock up for the last 2 weeks of the semester. Bought a 12-pack of diet soda and a package of straws.


Anyway, I think the drinking soda after extractions issue is more because the carbonation might dislodge a clot and lead to a dry socket. So I would definitely wait as long as the oral surgeon says!!!

Oops, almost forgot. Just for you, Chris...

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:14 pm
by valster
I know... I've had about two sodas since Thursday, which is decent.

Still in pain, but I don't know if its the extractions or the braces which hurt. Wires went past my extractions. This feels like brace pain. I am taking motrin but am still in total agony!