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Is this normal?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:55 am
by tamsteve
Hello all I hope everybody had a wonderful Turkey day....I did even though i had an adjustment two days before! I have a question for ya'll, Is it normal for your teeth to hurt like a toothache?? I have a tooth or it may be more then one, on the left bottom that when i drink anything hot or cold it kills me!! I don't see a cavity and i just went to get a cleaning about 2 wks ago and they said everything looked fine. I have been putting an ice pack on helps a little. It even hurts for no apparent reason sometimes...but, the throbbing is driveing me crazy when it acts up!! This is the first time i have had this kind of pain with the braces....maybe i should call the dentist monday morning....but, then again my bottom teeth have really moved this last month!! I will post pictures cause it is amazing.....please help me out if you can...thanks

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:24 am
by joney
Hi tamsteve

I had a similar thing a week ago. My gum was really throbbing badly when I drank hot drinks then it also started happening with cold drinks!

To cut a long story short I went to the dentist, after much heavy prodding of my teeth, putting the cold air thinggy on the area and looking at the x-rays she announced that my teeth were fine. She told me that I was probably brushing too much since I got the brace and had irritated my gum. (I had been brushing at least 4 times daily.) She told me to ease up on the brushing regime and just make sure that they had a really good cleaning before I went to bed and to be gentle with my gums and use sensodyne toothpaste.

I've followed her advice and the pain has subsided a lot, nearly disappeared. I hope the solution is as simple for you. I was dreading the thought of needing a deep filling.

Great that your teeth are moving a lot, my top teeth have moved a lot but I struggle to see very much change on the bottom set (which for me are the most crowded).
