Spacers Tommorrow!!!**^^** UPDATED(They're in!! Dec. 5.2006)

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Spacers Tommorrow!!!**^^** UPDATED(They're in!! Dec. 5.2006)

#1 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I get spacers/records done tommorrow and I am sooooo nervous. I can't believe how fast time flew by. It just seems so unreal for some reason. I'm like freakin' out here. I have so much to do and I have to work tonite so I will be busy all day today so I won't have much time to think about it. My appt. is at 9 am. I'm going to make some soup today and some other soft stuff to eat. In the meanwhile I am going to enjoy the rest of my skittles and tonite I plan on having some caramel popcorn....hehe. From what I understand these things are a no no with spacers and braces so I'm just going to have one last thrill. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope I am not in too much pain, as I have read some people have and have not on here. I have so much space in the front to work with, I am hoping that is a plus in helping the pressure not be so intense. However I already know which teeth will give the most pain. Maybe I will be wrong :roll:

Anywho. I will post some pictures tommorrow when I am done and give some updates....YAY im so happy :D :D :D (lets see if i will be singin' the same tune tommorrow :wink: :wink:
Wasn't sure how to change the subject so I just quoted
Last edited by turrrtlelove22 on Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#2 Post by cowlypso »

Congrats! You're just about on your way. :-)o

I was thinking the same thing about the skittles. I had some the other day (leftover Halloween candy that the teacher brought to class), and I was thinking how good they are, and how I won't be able to eat them with braces. Those, and red licorice.... mmmmmm....

Anyway, try not to worry. The records really aren't that bad. Just try to lean forward a bit if they let you when they do the uppers. And my vote is, if they offer you flavoring for the goop, don't take it!

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#3 Post by Amburly »

Good luck with the spacers tomorrow. I hope all goes well.


SDFD TSchott
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#4 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Good luck tomorrow with the spacers/records, I get to go in tomorrow at 9am for my second appointment :) Anyways since time flew bye to get to the spacers I'm sure time will fly by to get to the braces :D

SDFD TSchott


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#5 Post by MarvinBrace »

Hi Turrrtlelove22,

I hope the best for you and that the spacers won't hurt at all. :wink:

I will go today for my x-rays and moldings. I hope you keep us informed with your yourney.

Bye bye. :P

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#6 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Thanks Cowlypso Why should I lean forward tho? And is the flavored goop icky? I was thinking it would make the experience less unpleasant? No?

Thanks to you too Amburly!!! How is your treatment going?

Thank you as well SDFD TSchott!!!Good luck with your appt. as well. I sure will fly by. All this week and next week will be nuts!!! I got finals and next week is the last week of school...YESSSSS!!!

Christmas Break!!! woohoo!!!

Thanks Marvinbrace I am keepin' my fingers crossed!!!
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#7 Post by Amburly »

Thanks to you too Amburly!!! How is your treatment going?

Thank you for asking, my treatment isn't going too bad. So far it is definately going a lot smoother than I ever imagined.

I really do hope your's goes as well if not better than mine has.


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#8 Post by jodie »

I got my spaces put in yesterday and they seemed OK.
Today, I woke up (I am in Aust and a bit ahead) and I cant eat and they hurt. Is this normal? Jodie

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#9 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Glad things are going smooth for you Amburly. I hope mine goes smooth, as well

Jodie From what I read on here it is normal to have some discomfort. You can eat if it only be soups, smoothies, yogurt, liquids and soft food like mac & cheese or something like a baked potato. From what I learned just reading around on here, just take some Advil, Aleve, or BC Goody powders these seem to work well for most ppl. Good luck :D
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#10 Post by Amburly »

Yes it is very normal to have discomfort the next day. I woke up in the middle of the night contemplating yanking the things out. I took some Advil and soon fell back asleep. I had my spacers in for 15 days and every day they hurt...don't mean to scare anyone but it's true. I was easily able to dull the pain with over the counter meds. The good thing about spacers is that for most people after those are done you get your braces (which so far have not been anything compared to the spacers).

I do hope that things get better for you soon.


Pirate Wench
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#11 Post by Pirate Wench »

Good luck with your spacers tomorrow.

I got my bottom brackets on Thrusday the 23rd of Nov and the ortho didn't bracket my last molar on both sides. I didn't notice until I got home and now I am wondering if I will need spacers for those and that is why I didn't get those included?!! I will ask at the next appointment (Dec 22).

Keep us posted how you are feeling.

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#12 Post by Amburly »

I had the same thing on top and bottom. I have four teeth that don't have brackets on them, I ask my ortho and he said that they bracket those later on in the treatment typically.


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#13 Post by ghostmyimag3 »

You should lean forward to avoid gagging.
The stuff they use can be described as mashed potatoes.
And after a min or so it creates a rubberish mold which also has the effect of suction coming off.
Metal braces on Uppers and lowers-November 8, 2006

SDFD TSchott
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#14 Post by SDFD TSchott »

"SPACERS" People are different I had spacers for 2 weeks and I had absolutly no pain at all when I was in the spacers phase.

"Unbracketed Molar" Hmm I guess I will ask my ortho about that tomorrow I happen to have molar that isn't bracketed or has a molar band on it so I wounder if that will be done in the future.

"QUESTIONS" I will be asking my ortho that question, I will ask him the question about transfer case just to be on safe side if I do find me a house I like and have to move and I will also ask my orhto to explain to me what is in store for me for the rest of my treatment.

SDFD TSchott


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#15 Post by cowlypso »

They load this tray up with goop. On the bottom it's okay, because it oozes out the sides. But on the top, the tray includes your entire palate. So when they shove your teeth into the overloaded tray of goop and it overflows, the path of least resistance is usually towards the back of your throat. It will stop really fast, but it's a little unpleasant and may make you gag. I had that problem on the first attempt, so I told the lady about it. On the second (and third) attempt, she applied the pressure a little differently so it oozed more out the front than the back.

I didn't mind the plain flavor at all. It really doesn't have much flavor at all, just vaguely tastes like plastic, kind of like silly putty but not as strong of a flavor. She forgot to put the flavor in for the first impression, so I got to taste it without. Then she put in the pina colada flavoring that I had chosen. Either the flavor was just gross, or it combined with the plastic to make a gross result, but with the flavoring, it had a really chemical taste with pineapple overtones. I much preferred the plain.

But really, it's not bad at all. Just be prepared to spend a few minutes cleaning up any wayward chunks of stuff. I ended up with it all over my face, in my hair, and even up my nose. In retrospect, I should have put my hair back before we started!

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