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Adjustment 3...owww!!

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:34 pm
by pippy
* Warning: Moaning and whinging to follow* :oops:
Well yesterday was adjustment 3 - was looking forward to it as in th epre-Christmas rush it had been nearly 8 weeks since the last one...but my was I comfy!! Not anymore!! On the plus side I did get brownie points from the ortho for how clean they were...and he's not the effusive kind so it was nice to hear.

New rectangular archwire on top.a bit more difficult to 'slide' into the brackets, nearly needed a sledgehammer! The springs are I've got springs on my molars because the little suckers twisted in the 8 weeks...grrrr! But the orthos sweeest Christmas pressie to me......he put spacers back in and i'm stuck with them til Jan 15th!! Couldn't beleive he'd do it over the now I've got a conference presentation tomorrow and a formal dinner (and even mashed potato is hurting!!!), followed by spacers for Christmas and my birthday :evil: And to look forward to in Jan.........banding my furthest back molars and putting the lovely rectangle wire on the bottom. OK I'll stop moaning now, I know its all progress and its all good - it just hurts like hell today, I'm out of ibuprofen (because I got overly comfy in the 8 weeks) and live an hour from the nearest shop - I'll live. And the rectangular wire sure is shiny :)

He just depressed me a bit, I'd like some comment that things are going well but he just grumbled and made mysterious comments about what a challenge my bite was going to be :shock: I know they are wooky but hey, they can't be THAT odd!!! Whatever he has done this time my teeth don't meet anymore (CHristmas diet).......I know its silly but that concerned 'hmmmm this will be difficult'....isn't necessarily what you want to about 'gee they have straightened up nicely'

So theres my first whingy post..........can't believe I'm moping so much because they look great...i'm just sore and hungry (yes even liquids are hurting right now) apologies for being a sook, just thought I'd get more sympathy here than from hubby :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:02 pm
by Delag
While I feel really bad for you (honest I do) I am laughing because you are so great at telling your story. I can just see you there shooting daggers out of your eyes while your ortho mumbles about how challenging you are. I think you have every right to clock your hubby for not being more sympathetic! Make him give you a good foot rub - reflexology is good for tooth pain....or so you can tell him at any rate. That or make him drive the hour and buy you a bucket of Advil.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:45 pm
by Zondrae
I love reading your posts Pippy - you make me smile :D

Now you've got me all scared for my 3rd adjustment next week!

I hope you are eating again soon.

I agree

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:58 pm
by redsfn77
Yikes!! That doesn't sound like fun at all. I am a month away from my 1st adjustment and I am already dreading the third one. I can't believe that mashed potatoes hurt. I hope you feel better. I always stay focused on the end result and 99% of the time it gets me through, but I am ONLY 4 weeks into treatment so we'll see.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:45 pm
by lionfish
Yikes, indeed! Spacers for 6 weeks - your ortho has an interesting sense of humour......not. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:59 am
by newmetal
I get what you mean about the negative groans and comments. It must suck.
