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Expander ?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:31 pm
by clrv
I have found this board very helpful. So I would first like to say thanks to everyone that has posted.

I had my expander installed about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I turn the key once day. I did not have surgery (yet) my ortho wanted to see if we could move it with the expander first. I have read about the possibility of teeth tipping and have a question. I know something has to be happening I have turned the key about 14 times but I can not see any changes I take a pic of my teeth once a week and when I compare I can not see a difference.

Has any one else had anything like this?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:18 pm
by overseasmel
Hmm well i had surgery so it's a very different case I imagine.... Mine moved pretty fast.

Each turn of the key is only designed to produce a maximum of .25 millimetres movement, so if your jaw is resisting and not even getting that, then perhaps its not suprising the difference isn't visible yet. My thoughts would be talk to your ortho about it, and see what s/he was expecting in terms of movement. It may be that your jaw is a bit stubborn and you will need surgery after all.

Here's hoping its just a slow and steady mover. :)

Best wishes.


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:46 am
by gunter8888
The progress does seem to be faster for those who have the surgery, but the non-surgical approach is very successful for many of us here. I just finished non-surgical expansion and it took 4-6 weeks before I began seeing some gaps open up between some of my very crowded teeth. Instead of weekly pics, I went to monthly pics and I can see changes in each one.

Its hard not to be super eager to see progress, but hang in there it will happen!

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:15 am
by cbushnaq
When I first had my expander I got a space between my front teeth but it could have been from my braces since they were put on at the same time. I turned 14 times then 7 more times and then again 7 more times. At first the only way I could really tell a difference was not by looking but by flossing. Is it easier/harder to floss between some of your teeth?


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:21 am
by clrv
Thanks I see my Ortho on Mon. so we will see what he has to say. I guess I am just a little inpatient.