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will I look like Kate Moss?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:41 am
by Maggsie
So, what with not being able to eat because of poking wire yesterday and not being able to eat much with those molar blobs on the back of my teeth, and it taking so long that I'm fuller quicker, and no snacking because it's a hassle, I think I'm going to shed my excess blubber in no time and at the end of my treatment look like Kate Moss!!!!! The model contract is mine for sure! .....

Just wanted to say thanks guys for your encouragement yesterday. I was not happy. By the end of the day I couldn't talk at all, that wire was unbelievable. Ortho gasped when she saw me and didn't even let me say hello properly, she put me straight in her chair and fixed me. Took 10 seconds! Oh the relief!!!!!

So today, I'm an altogether happier bunny and slurping away at soup and smoothies. 6 months of this soft diet I was told yesterday. My teeth aren't meeting at all and I can't chew a thing. Well, I guess unless I blend biscuits, chocolate and cakes, I'll be slim and trim in no time. Mind you there's always ice cream ......

How is everyone else who is in their first week???? Catmom????? Anyone else???? Are you coping?

Thanks all you oldies and wise-ones on these boards by the way for responding to us newbies all the time and making us feel better. You're all great!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:19 am
by Lisa65
Glad things are altogether better for you today Maggsie! Regarding looking like Kate Moss........hmm, I've lost about 12lbs in the 5 months since getting braces for the reasons you gave. It's harder to eat because my teeth don't touch and are tender, and eating slower makes me fuller quicker. So you may well end up trimmer, just make sure you don't skimp too much on things like fruit and veg otherwise you'll be short on vitamins.

But as you say, ice cream has its attractions and I have to admit that when you get a bad brace day, it can perk up your mood wonderfully! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:39 am
by freya333
I have put on a stone since I had my braces on (21 months) ha ha!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:02 am
by Catmom
Maggsie, I'm managing not too badly, although I am getting tired of pizza pops and Nutragrain bars!!! I, too, hope to lose a few pounds as things like potato chips and peanuts are definitely off the diet!!!

I'm trying to supplement things by drinking 1% milk and juice, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to eat a bit more by the weekend. I tried a sandwich on Tuesday and just about went through the roof with the pain.

I'll fight you for that modelling contract in a few months!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:22 am
by Pirate Wench
Sorry to hear about your day yesterday!

I was told 2 weeks ago that I would have to be on a soft diet for 1 month because of how my teeth were meeting.....well, I have been eating all sorts of stuff.

Good luck

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:03 pm
by spimpy
The first week is tough...but IT DOES get better. I've been braced 8 months and don't deny myself of ANYTHING anymore. I eat apples, pears and had a pita sandwich yesterday for lunch! I DO cut my fruit into wedges; it's still important to get ALL your vitamins... I think it's even more CRUCIAL now, you don't want any BONE loss or damage because of your lack of them!!!!!

Believe me... It really does get easier... The days when you feel more sensitive, DO eat softer foods and a couple of days later, you'll be right back on track!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:29 pm
by ghostmyimag3
I have lost weight i went from 135 to 129 in 4 weeks. Nothing major. However i have cut out my in between meals snacking. Partly cause i brush after each meal and its just too much brushing otherwise if i snack.
But now i eat just like i did before just with out snacks. I have cut my sugar in half which is not a bad thing either! Too much rots your teeth anyway.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:43 pm
by iBorg
You may end up looking like Kate Moss, its a sure bet I won't.


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:15 pm
by LadyTr0uble
ahhh, the liquid diet that I lived on for a little under a week?! then came scambled eggs with cheese (love cheese and I figured that the calcium would be good for me), mashed potatoes, soft tacos...

been on a healthy but heavy calorie diet since i got braced but ended up losing 9 lbs (from 115 to 106lbs) in the lst three weeks, and i am starting to look like a shrivled old lady (at least that's what mom is telling me)

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:57 pm
by bunnyfluff
At first, I thought the whole reference to Kate Moss had to do with, crazy teeth! :shock:

I went from around 130lbs to 115lbs in the past 2 years, but I think it not only had to do with braces but also losing baby fat.

And yes, there will always be ice cream! :D