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Face changing near the end of treatment

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:12 am
by pandabear
I'm getting my braces off next month after 2.5 years but I've noticed that my face (cheeks and lips) have gotten puffier and fuller in the last month or so :( . My face used to be thin throughout the treatment period and before I had braces, but all of sudden it's gotten fuller and my top lip has gotten puffy. For all of you who've gotten your braces off, did this ever happened to you? I'm hoping that the sudden puffyness will go away once I get them off.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:09 pm
by orangetammy
i think it has something to do with the final positioning of your teeth and the shape of your arch etc. I guess your face and lips loook a lot puffier since everything is in the right place now? Imagine if everything is in place and you have all the braces sticking to your teeth- that certainly would make your lips and cheeks stand out a little more than usual?

I still have quite a long way until my braces would be off, but so far my teeth are neatly aligned already but I guess my ortho is still trying to position my jaw to the correct position to correct my very mild underbite problem. however since the last adjustment it does seem that my face and lips have gone puffier? I guess i'd have to ask my ortho in the next adjustment

i guess the best way for you is still to ask your ortho since he knows your case best :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:19 pm
by Kat
I have change as well. I'm only into this for three months and I can't tell you how many of my friends that haven't seen me for awhile have said "Your face looks thinner" not even knowing I'm wearing braces!
I know this to be true because so many people have commented about this.
I wanted a fuller face and better jaw appearence but now I'm getting jowls. That sucks.
The lips are fuller because of the added appliances. that's nice I think.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:08 pm
by orangetammy
hmmm but i think the orthos should have these in mind? they dont only want to make you teeth looks straight but also you CHIN and JAW looking nice not worse than before!

Anyone who can share your experiences?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:55 pm
by overseasmel
Braces and SARPE have definitely changed my face shape. Not sure if its for the better or worse really, but I guess it just comes with the territory (you move the structure inside, its going to look different from the outside), and I am also assuming its something i'll get used to with time. Hard to adjust when its your face I know. :(