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Bleeding after extractions

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:03 pm
by cowlypso
Okay... got them out around 2:30. It's almost 5 hours later, and I'm still bleeding. Yuck. It's hard to arrange the gauze, because on the one side the 2 holes are directly opposite each other, but on the other side they are offset.

Any ideas on how long they should be bleeding? The pamphlet says that the bleeding should stop in an hour or two. My wisdom teeth stopped bleeding in half an hour or so.

I had a little excessive bleeding right after the event (check out my www link for the gory details...).

Now it's not bleeding tons, but they are all oozing, and I'm getting blood smeared all across my teeth. Ick. So I've been trying to keep the gauze in, but I'm more comfortable without it. Right now I'll need to keep it in because I'm going out in public. Great choice, huh? Either have blood smeared around your mouth like a vampire with bad dental hygiene, or keep the gauze in and not be able to talk. :roll:


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:18 pm
by science teacher
Maybe try wrapping a small bit of ice in a large chunk of gauze? Maybe that would help?


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:10 pm
by *boom!*
Like meryaten said, my dentist recommended using tea bags if the bleeding didn't stop within a couple of hours. Can't hurt to try.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:02 pm
by cowlypso
Thanks guys! I think it's slowed down some more, but may still be oozing. It's hard to tell. Right now, I'm eating dinner, so I'll check it out after I'm done, and try the teabags if they're still going.

I ran my review session tonight. I definitely needed my backup. I probably could have pulled it off without her, but it was great to not have to talk as much. So my mom and I picked up my friend and her son and went to school to do the review. My mom babysat in another classroom while my friend and I ran the review. That gave me the chance to give the specifics, but I didn't have to project my voice as much, and some of the questions I could just let her totally cover, or I could sort of mumble an outline of the answer and she could translate and fill it in.

By the end of the review session, my novocaine was totally worn off, as was the tylenol. So we dropped my friend off and headed to the pharmacy to get my vicodin prescription filled. It will be nice to have it at least tonight, perhaps tomorrow night too. I don't think I can take it during the day, since I've got stuff to do. But it's definitely knocked down the pain a lot!

Okay, back to my soup. It's lentil, so it doesn't require much chewing, but I've already gotten a few lentils lodged in my gaping holes. I think the pudding for dessert won't be as challenging.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:08 pm
by tardissauce
the tea bags worked like a charm for me...
good ole Earl Grey

Just make sure it is Black tea not herbal tea (I was cautioned against using herbal tea)

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:11 pm
by rsprouse
Thanks guys! I think it's slowed down some more, but may still be oozing. It's hard to tell. Right now, I'm eating dinner, so I'll check it out after I'm done, and try the teabags if they're still going.

I ran my review session tonight. I definitely needed my backup. I probably could have pulled it off without her, but it was great to not have to talk as much. So my mom and I picked up my friend and her son and went to school to do the review. My mom babysat in another classroom while my friend and I ran the review. That gave me the chance to give the specifics, but I didn't have to project my voice as much, and some of the questions I could just let her totally cover, or I could sort of mumble an outline of the answer and she could translate and fill it in.

By the end of the review session, my novocaine was totally worn off, as was the tylenol. So we dropped my friend off and headed to the pharmacy to get my vicodin prescription filled. It will be nice to have it at least tonight, perhaps tomorrow night too. I don't think I can take it during the day, since I've got stuff to do. But it's definitely knocked down the pain a lot!

Okay, back to my soup. It's lentil, so it doesn't require much chewing, but I've already gotten a few lentils lodged in my gaping holes. I think the pudding for dessert won't be as challenging.
Bleeding usually subsides in a couple hours tops, but it can ooze and give the impression of bleeding for 24+ hours. If it is bleeding in the AM you are going to want to follow up with your provider. Also, careful with anything really hot or cold, not the best after an extraction. And if you don't have any allergies then Ibuprofren is a much better choice for dental pain when you finish up "the good stuff" (if needed).

Good Luck,