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Want to see a cool progress video?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:57 pm
by jeniwan
This video is from my Ortho's website...

When I had my consult from him, he said that my teeth were really similar to the person's in the video, and that he would use the same techniques on me that he used on that person.

Click on the 'Watch Ortho at work' link on the bottom to start the video.

Cool, eh?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:34 am
by sjsarre
I agree... If only!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:20 am
by knownothing
I am not sure this guy is an "ortho" as in orthodontist. I see that he does all sorts of dentistry and no where on his site does it say he completed a residency. Are you sure he is an orthodontist? Anyone else on this site have their ortho completed by a general dentist? What is the opinion on that?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:46 am
by jeniwan
Knownothing - Yep, he's my regular dentist and my ortho as well. It's quite convenient actually - last visit for instance, I had my ortho adjustment and my six-month check up on the same visit. I can kill two birds with one stone, or in other words, get two appointments with one co-pay.

I don't know why he didn't put all of his quals on his website, but I've been in his office and seen all of his certifications and such up on his wall, he is an orthodontist :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:41 pm
by knownothing
I would ask specifically if he is an orthodontist. I can tell you that many general dentists present themselves as orthodontists with certificates and plaques on the wall but when ask directly they will say "no I am a general denist" or the really tricky ones will say "I do Orthodontics". I just know this because several of my friends ended up in a situation where they thought that their dentist was an orthodontist as well and ended up having problems.

As I understand it an orthodontist completes dental school and another 2-3 years of residency that makes him/her be able to call themselves an orthodontist.

I think any dentist can say "I do orthodontics" but you have to have gone to a residency to say "I am an orthodontIST" Strange rules but this is what my friends found out the hard way....

I have never seen an orthodontist that did anything but braces in their office so you might want to check.

Just for everyone to see....

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:57 pm
by knownothing
I just wanted to bump this for everyone to see my post above. I dont know if this guy is an orthodontist or not but I don't want anyone to be misled into a situation like my friends were and then having to pay a real orthodontist to get the treatment they should have gotten in the first place.