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cleaning products in Australia preferably Melb or Sydney

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:30 pm
by jodie

I had my braces put on last Friday. Still a little tender but no need for pain releif now.
Do any Aussies know of any places other than dentakit to purchase there pick and cleaning products.
I would love to know.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:14 pm
by lionfish
Hi Jodie and welcome.

I believe the waterpik is not available locally, but I know that KK has one, so I'm sure she'll let you know where she got it.

I made up my own kit which includes interdens brushes, superfloss, wax, a mirror, toothpaste and brush. I buy the interdens brushes, superfloss and toothbrush at the pharmacy, and get all the wax I need from my ortho. You can also buy wax at the supermarket, where all the other dental products are. I bought a pocket mirror early on in the piece and this has been a godsend when I'm out and about.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:55 pm
by jodie
Thanks everyone.
I have sent and email to Dentakit asking for the shipping costs and aud conversions.
I have heard good things about these and they appear to be small enoughtotake to work and travel. Still a bit confused with flossing (never done it before) but thinking positive and I will get there.