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One front tooth lower than the other!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:03 pm
by BracedLondon
I wondered whether anyone can tell me whether this is "normal". My two front teeth were leaning back originally. After 2.5 months of treatment, they've come forward, but one is a bit lower (about 1mm) than the other! Maybe it was always like this but is this fixable? How does the ortho correct it? Has anyone else had something like this? Thanks for your answers in advance!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:57 pm
by BracedLondon
Thanks for that. I don't think my teeth are worn so maybe they'll take the first option. I'll ask next visit!

Re: One front tooth lower than the other!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:28 pm
by rsprouse
BL it depends on how your ortho wants to address this, but teeth can be raised or lowered in a couple of ways. By placing the bracket in the same place as the other teeth will cause a V shape when the archwire is put through the bracket, and that will straighten as the tooth is corrected.

If one tooth is worn and the other not, it's possible to reshape the 'not worn' tooth to make them similar.

Best thing to do ... is ask your ortho about it and see what s/he suggests! Good luck! DancingBanana
Rather than taking the time to rebracket a tooth the ortho will likely take a set of pliers and put a simple notch in the wire (bend) while it is attached to the bracket. This will extrude or protrude the problem incisor very quickly. Incisors have short conical roots so they move very quickly. Expect to see movement in a few hours in a case like this.
