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Come in Damon Braces People!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:42 pm
by KatK
Hi All,

Sorry if this is a repeat, but I tried searching and had a hard time finding anything relevant....

So... who has opinions/pictures/stories about their damons??? I have a pendulum in now... i'll get my bottoms on in another couple of months... i'm very excited to get started! Thanks! :-)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:08 pm
by cece
hey Kat, I have Damons (all metal) upper and far, so good. Adjustments take about 30 minutes and no bands around back teeth which is a plus (or I would think so anyways) :D

Good Luck!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:57 pm
by overseasmel
I have ceramic (3m clarity) uppers and damon (3mx) lowers. I have 8 molar bands in total- the back 2 teeth of each sides upper and lower. I need them for elastics later I believe. So no difference with ceramics or damon there.

So far the damons have been good, no issues at all. After my first adjustment on Monday where I had my ligs changed on my ceramics I was kinda glad I didn't have ligs on the bottom as well- the process is momentarily a little painful and seems to make my teeth tender for a couple of days afterwards.

BUT I'm still glad I got my ceramic uppers. They have their good side too. So all in all I love my combo. :D

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:43 pm
by lisaemtp
I have Damon 3's on my uppers and Damon 3mx on my lowers, and no molar bands. My ortho said he wanted to use self-ligating brackets in order to try to slightly widen my upper arch without surgery. No problems so far, although I'm not loving the half clear/half metal of the Damon 3's - I'd prefer all metal! The half/half looks strange to me. I didn't care about clear at all, these were just what my ortho selected. I'm probably not a lot of help for questions about Damons though, as I'm not due for my first adjustment for another three weeks!


Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:13 pm
by JoeMama
I've been in Damon 3's for about 10 months now. They seem to be doing an awesome job at straightening and widening teeth/arch. Ortho is likewise pleased with progress. I'm very happy with my decision to get them.

The cons in my opinion are that the little doors can sometimes be hard to open after you've had them on for awhile. And there's no "all-clear" alternative.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:18 pm
by SherwoodForest
I have Damon 3's (I think) on my top teeth. I like the half clear/metal look, BUT I wish the clear part was on the bottom. My upper lip does not completely cover my braces, so I can always see the metal! :(
Although, I don't think it would be much help if the clear part was on the bottom.

I asked my ortho if my braces will make my arch wider, and he said they would not. But, he told me that my braces will bring some of my teeth farther out from where they are now. Well, this sounds like arch widening to me. So, we shall see.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:57 pm
by jennielee81
Good advice Maryaten!!

I have Damon III's and they've been perfect for me. My teeth have straighteend nicely BUT I will let you know that it took 3 months longer than the ortho thought so that (in my individual case) debunks the "faster" theory... :roll:

Arch widening is a technical definition I think. The brackets can push the teeth to the outside edge of the jaw/arch, but cannot physically change the pallet size; just the tooth position in the arch itself.

I like the no ligature part of them and the 1/2 clear part and the doors do make my adjustments fast. I've had quite a few 10 minute wire changes in the past.

I will be done in about 22 days (well, EXACTLY 22 days) and the Damon's did a nice job...probably just as nice a job as any other bracket would have done. My ortho only offers Damons so that is what I went with.

Good luck to you, and keep us posted!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:32 pm
by SherwoodForest
SherwoodForest braces can't move teeth. They're glued/cemented to your teeth ... and that's all they do.

Archwires move teeth. Once the archwire is put across the brackets ... only then will teeth loosen and begin moving!
KK, I am aware that BRACKETS don't move teeth, but I think of braces as the brackets and the archwire.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:01 pm
by Higgy
I have the self-litigating and the adjustment appointments have varied depending on what they're doing...for a simple arch wire change, it would be a piece of cake...unless you have a bracket that doesn't cooperate..but when powerchains and figure 8's come into play, they do take a bit longer

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:06 pm
by cece
Sorry, if anyone was mislead by anything I posted...I was simply responding to Kat's request of info/opinions from anyone w/ Damon's. Didn't mean to imply that her treatment would mirror mine in any way.

KK, I should clarify about my "adjustment" entire visit to the ortho usually lasts about 30 minutes, chair time is less.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:27 pm
by KatK
I AM actually getting Damon braces... my ortho has recommended and i will obviously go with this recommendation. It's just that I don't quite understand all the lingo... brackets...ligs...bands...ceramic...metal...etc... i have no idea what those all are yet. I was just curious about how people found their damon's to be... and not at all suggesting that they do more than other braces. I have a 6mm overbite... and though Damon's claim to be braces that don't need extractions or RPEs.. i DO have a pendulum... and I do understand the difference between reality and marketing. I'm just excited :-)

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:29 pm
by KatK
and thanks for your input Cece :-)

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:29 pm
by jennielee81
Sounds like you're VERY excited KatK!

You'll learn the lingo very quickly here!!

Glad you've taken the plunge with such enthusiasm..... :thumbsup:

Looking forward to hearing more from you :D