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I think my brackets are wearing down my teeth

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:15 pm
by Braces2.0
I've had the white ceramic braces (upper and lower) since August. When I was examining my teeth today (which I have done a lot since I had braces, LOL) I noticed some little worn down places on two of my upper teeth. I was wondering if I had always had them, or if I had just now noticed it, when I bit down and noticed that the worn down places fit exactly with the brackets on my lower jaw. :shock:

Is this like a majorly huge deal that I should call my ortho about right away, or can it wait until my next appointment on 1/24? I feel like a dork because I was just in there yesterday to have a broken bracket replaced (I really missed baby carrots :roll: ) and if I had noticed it I would have said something then. What can they do to fix this? This is really annoying to have these braces and then have them make my teeth look worse. :(

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:35 pm
by Rickysa
Yep, ceramic brackets can wear down teeth in a hurry.

I'd give your doc a call just to let them know you've noticed some wear.

Dr. S