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Can I still drink Tea and Coffee with clear brackets

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:33 pm
by jodie
I have been braced for a week now with clear brackets on top and bottom. I have tried to be good with what foods I eat so not to stain.

Can I still drink Tea and coffee?. I have been having daily headaches from zero caffenne.

PLease - someone tell me I can
Thanks :FeelSick: Jodie

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:55 pm
by jodie
Dear kk,

Thank yous much. I am going to buy a nice strong coffee tomorrow morning. I have found your OTT cleaning process on a previous post and have starting doing that.
I will also get a whitening toothpase and give it a go.
Is this why you begin your treatment with the Listerine Whitening rinse?

Thanks and sorry for all the ????


Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:48 am
by smile2006

I have full ceramic on top and bottom. I have had wire ties the whole time instead of ligs. These are great because they don't stain. I've had power chains on and off. If you are going for a low visibility/low stain color for powerchains or ligs, try pearl or light silver. Both have not stained from things like coffee. The light silver is slightly less visible than the pearl. The brackets themselves don't stain at all. I have the "Inspire Ice" brackets.

Someone a while back mentioned drinking coffee with a straw. I do this if I am at home just in case! If I were to do braces again (and lets hope not), I'd choose metal. The clear ones are not quite what I was hoping for! Hopefully they will be gone by May.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:12 am
by jennielee81
Eat and drink to your heart's content! Kiwi is right!!

I have to share a funny staining story with you though:

I did find something that stained my brackets :shock: ....if only temporarilly.

I made an amazing RED VELVET CHEESECAKE. Even after brushing, the edges of my brackets were still red!

At the time I was thinking, "oh no! But, it was SO WORTH IT!!" After brushing 2 more times with a whitening toothpaste I was still a little red. By morning, all was gone back to normal. I will still eat that beautiful thing, but only at night! And, only when there is no company in the house. :oops: