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Can I still drink Tea and Coffee with clear brackets

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:39 pm
by jodie
I have been braced for a week now with clear brackets on top and bottom. I have tried to be good with what foods I eat so not to stain.

Can I still drink Tea and coffee?. I have been having daily headaches from zero caffenne.

PLease - someone tell me I can
Thanks :FeelSick: Jodie

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:13 am
by Alliharvey
From what I have read on here, clear brackets do not stain, it is the ligs that stain. So, if you have clear ligs they will stain, but the brackets themselves will not.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:08 am
by neelie
I can't do without tea and coffee. I have ceramic on top with clear ligs and I have not had any staining. I probably drink only one or two cups a day.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:12 pm
by Drama Queen
If in doubt drink your tea and coffee through a straw. I have ceramic braces on the top and bottom teeth and have to be careful not to stain my clears (am not brave enough to go with the coloured ones!) so straws are now my best friend!

Lau xx

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:35 pm
by lionfish
Jodie, as an aside - if you're getting withdrawal headaches, you may have a caffeine allergy. I mention this because I used to drink coffee daily and when I went on holidays, particularly to places where coffee wasn't freely available, I noticed I was getting bad headaches for the first 48 hours. It dawned on me that I was having caffeine withdrawal. A few years ago I quit coffee altogether, then went back to a cup every week or fortnight, because I really do love a good cappucino. I find this way I don't get headaches and I still get to enjoy coffee.

I drink tea regularly and didn't find it to be a culprit in staining clear ligs (when I had them, I've since gone with colour). The main offenders are turmeric and tomato based sauces.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:22 pm
by jennielondon
I'm new to the boards and this is my second go-round with braces. This time I have Clarity on top and metal on bottom so this was the first thread I looked into.
While I'm glad to know tea shouldn't stain my brackets, my heart broke to read that tomato products will!! Is there anything I can do (aside from brushing and the usual stuff) to try and prevent or lessen the possible staining effects?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:28 pm
by lionfish
Welcome, jennielondon.

I believe toothpaste with baking soda (and peroxide?) helps. Some people have also had white wire ties on their ceramics and they do not stain.