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No extraction needed? Gums n teeth healthy? with picts

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:33 am
by Braced4braces
Hi all! I had an appointment with an ortho n asked her whether I need extractions n whether my teeth r healthy for braces... I voiced these concerns as I need to know them before I start a treatment... She grew angry and told me off instead! Sad... Was hoping some of the kind people here who have similar prob as mine could tell me whether I need extractions and whether my teeth n gums look healthy enough to undego bracing? I'm worried as u can c, my bottom teeth are quite elongated. Does it mean i have unhealthy gums? I also have fillings in my molars. It hurts when I had those fillings when I was a teen. Does that mean my nerves were damaged? The previous ortho (who told me off) said I may not need extractions because damon braces can do the straightening without removing teeth. Another one I went to said i need to take out 4 premolars. He recommend traditional brackets. From the look of the bottom 2 picts, do I need extractions n are they ok for bracing? Thanx for the help, guys... I'm kind of afraid to go back to ask the ortho directly now!



Merry Christmas!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:43 pm
by Zondrae
I agree - you need to get a more definitive answer before going ahead with it. And as for the ortho that got angry with you - well that is just unacceptable. I wouldn't start a professional relationship with someone who doesn't take kindly to questions. You have a right to ask questions at any time. It puzzles me that the ortho didn't like this.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:20 pm
by samantha_lou
I would definitely get a couple more consultations with different Ortho's. My Ortho is very conservative with extractions, and hates to extract healthy teeth - he just believes that every tooth should have a place in the arch! I love that philosophy, and just hate to hear of people getting perfectly good permanent teeth pulled. Also, no Ortho should be getting angry with you, not if they want your commitment to treatment and your hard earned $$$, after all this is a service that they are providing, they need to sell themselves as someone that you can work with and don't mind going to see on a regular basis.

Good luck, and I hope you find an ortho who is a little more approachable!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:15 pm
by maple
I can't give any answers based on your pictures and my limited knowledge. But as others have said, please have more consultations and find an ortho that you are comfortable with. I think that you should ask questions and find answers before you make your choice.
Getting ortho treatment is an investment of your time and money.
If this ortho is not willing to respect your right to be an informed patient, find an ortho who will listen to your concerns.

Good luck.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:55 pm
by Braced4braces
Thanx to all who have replied me :) Yes I will seek another consultation... But I'm only 24, chances of getting periodontitis is not really very high, is it? I have not been a very good brusher when I was a kid so I had some receding gums which sadly will not grow back. BUT does that mean I have periodontits?

Regarding the large fillings in my molars, I'm curious to know does anyone have a large filling which hurts when it gets filled, but no major complications like root asorption? Bcoz I'm really afraid of getting a root asorption due to previous nerve damage n losing that tooth after all the money n pain of putting braces!