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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:30 pm
by acrobat
hey everybody.
some know me a bit already, but but lets explain my situation again.
I have a big overjet and it bothers me a lot (duh). So i talked to an orthodontist and jawsurgeon and the best treatment for me is 1-1.5 years braces, surgery to bring the lowerjaw forward and 6months more braces.

Now the annoying thing is, i still can't decide if i want to go through all this or not...
One day i'm all happy about it and i can't wait to start, the other day i just can't imagine this will all happen and i so feel like not doing it!
I don't have to write down all the positive and negative things about going through with it or not, you all have experience with braces and some surgery so you know those yourself.

I just wonder if you guys also had these big doubts about it and now did you finally decide to go for it. And also, was there a point where you really said: now i'm gonna do it and you didn't change your mind anymore?
The 3th of januari i'm seeing my ortho again to take the X-rays etc. so that's pretty much the start of it all...but i'm afraid i still won't have decided by then!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:52 pm
by lionfish
Absolutely I had doubts about going through with it. I'd been mulling over doing this for decades and it took great courage to ask my dentist for a referral some 18 months ago. Then I had to make a call to book a consult, that took some courage too, and I had to wait 2 months to get a booking. Was my heart in my mouth... The consult was scary (and the S word was mentioned which made it even scarier, but that's another story) and I thought - at my age - what on earth am I doing?

It was around this time last year and the office was due to close for the holidays. That sort of motivated me to make a decision, so I coughed up the full fee on 23/12/05 and was booked to start treatment 6 weeks thereafter. There was no turning back from that point on. Mind you, I did spend the next several weeks worrying my tail off about what braces would do to my lifestyle!

One year on and I have no regrets. I can't speak for the surgery option as I chose not to go down that path. But the time does fly very quickly and the results have been tremendous so far. My lifestyle has not changed and for the most part there is absolutely no pain.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 4:36 pm
by jennielee81
YES, I absolutely had doubts!!! I went out to lunch with my best friends and told them that I WAS GETTING BRACES and I knew that they didn't belive I'd follow through with it. They were all supportive but I could tell they knew it wasn't going to happen so just went and I DID IT!'s done....

It seemed like such a major hurdle way back then (2 years ago) and now it's almost over.

The time will pass whether you do it or not, but just think...if you DO do it, the time will pass and you wil have an amazing smile!

Hope this helps.


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:31 pm
by iBorg
Was I scared? I sent a tentative email explaining how my teeth were off and explained what my dentist wanted to do. That dentist wanted to bond all of my visible teeth and do a bite alignment. I just couldn't commit to that. I made the appointment for the consult and then told my wife about it at breakfast. Her comment was, "if you need them, go for it." She knew I had a TMJ problem that had negatively affected my life for the past three years. I was very scarred even talking to her about it.

I called the ortho's office and asked if they could see me that day instead of when my appointment was scheduled. I explained I was nervous about it and just wanted to get the consult over. Nothing was available. About forty-five minutes later I got a phone call asking if I wanted to come in twenty minutes. I said sure. I shook most of the drive. This was my second experience with orthodontics. My first, thirty years ago, using primitive technology in comparison to today, was a bad experience.

I had talked with a friend who is a dental hygienist and she pointed out the issues I had that could benefit from braces. The ortho echoed those. She was honest in several ways. She said I'd need to find a new dentist. The two of them had different treatment philosophies and past patients had not had good relations with the dentist after starting braces. Of course, if I did braces I wouldn't do the bonding. The amount of money for either treatment plan was about the same. She also said my teeth would show after treatment, my TMJ pain should be greatly reduced and I'd still grind my teeth but the damage from grinding would be less. I left with my spacers in knowing if I scheduled them to be placed in a week or so, I would back out. Even with that commitment, I had serious doubts.

I'm almost four months into treatment (the time does fly), my top teeth show, my TMJ pain is more frequent but SIGNIFICANTLY less intense and much shorter in duration. I no longer require medication for the TMJ pain. I still grind my teeth.

I know this is a long story but I want you to know that if this 48 year old who was scared enough to shake when he went for a consult can be this happy, if your experience is half as good as mine, you will have no regrets.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:48 pm
by fitchick
Doubts? You bet I did. Just a few over the last 20 years or so!

I had considered having treatment many many times, but the thought of wearing a brace totally put me off. About 18 mths ago I was looking through some holidays snaps and I hated seeing my teeth, so I decided to ask my dentist to make enquiries with a recommended ortho for me. This was quite easy for me because I hadn't told myself I'd make any commitment, I was just 'enquiring'. My dentist forgot to make the enquiries and as the weeks passed I began getting anxious not hearing anything so I decided to chase him up. He came back with an appt date and I felt so excited at the thought of just knowing that something might be able to be done and that I'd at last be rid of these horrible teeth. Although I was still convincing myself that I didn't have to commit to anything!!

As soon as I had that appt and the ortho confirmed that he could help and that I could have those perfect straight teeth that I have always wanted, I didn't hesitate. I didn't really even think about it. I felt extremely at ease with the ortho and I suppose I was chasing the dream of perfect teeth, so I agreed to start there and then. I have one HUGE regret - that I didn't make this decision years ago.

You may find that your january appt will help let things fall in to place. If as you say your "teeth bother you a lot", then I really hope that you make the right decision and take the next step. If I can do it, then I reckon anyone can. The time has flown by too, and when you begin to see results you know you've done the right thing.

Good luck with your decision making and hopefully correcting your overjet.


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:08 pm
by thesallymonster
I'm still pre-braces and I have doubts all the time! Especially since I'm visiting my family right now and my parents don't want me to get braces (there's another post about that). Plus, I can't see my ortho again until I go back home to Portland after New Years, and the wait is killing me! Plus I'm waiting for an insurance pre-authorization to come through, and I need a dental check-up with a general dentist. (Sigh)

I already had (and paid for) my records, though, so I really don't want to back out now. Plus I'm young (19), and I'm worried I'll need surgery if I wait much longer. Most of all though, reading this site gets me motivated. When I start to have second thoughts I tend to avoid coming here, but then I get bored, happen upon Archwired again, and I'm reminded that I'm doing the right thing. So, in short, read this site a lot to keep yourself wanting braces.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:00 pm
by Delag
I know just how you feel. I am also going to have surgery sometime in the next year. If this way 'just braces' it would be a much eaiser decision. Surgery involves a lot more of a commitment. I had a total freak out right before my braces went on - once they were on I HAD to have the surgery. I waffled back and forth for quite a long time. In the end I kind of closed my eyes and jumped. In the long run I know this will save me a lot of time and money in the dentist chair. I am the kind of person that, if I don't do this I will always wonder ' what if?'.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:29 pm
by maple
I waited almost a year to get braces after the first consult with the ortho. Should I or shouldn't I...big decisions.

Now that I have braces, I am thinking: if I had done this when I first went to see the ortho I would be almost done with me treatment...

as someone here said before, time goes by weather or not you get your braces.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:05 am
by acrobat
you're all right.
I really love this website, it's the only place where you get full suport!

The thing is, i told almost all my friends about my plan and i was kind of hoping a : You go for it girl!

But of course everybody is more realistic and say things like: if you want it you should do it, but yeah it's a big thing, will change your life, i understand it's not an easy decision, etc.
And somehow that makes me doubt even more. it's not like they are really negative, but i do feel like it's not a comon thing over here!
I just don't feel like explaining the braces all the time!
But then most people also say that the braces won't change the way they see me, they will get used to it quickly.

Hmmm..maybe i have to stay indoors untill the 3th, only reading this forum :)

P.S. merry christmas everybody!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:46 am
by Delag
The thing about this is that it isn't about how other people see you, it is about how you see yourself and your health. When I told my sister about this she said that my life was already half over so why bother to go through all of this nonsense. My advice would be to make your decision and then just tell the peple in your life, don't ask for advice because they love you and don't want to see you in pain. They also don't have the information you do or have to live with the decision like you do. One ortho I consulted told me something that helped me - 'no one ever died from a bad bite'. After he said that I realized that I really did have a lot of time to make this decision and come to terms with what I felt.

Once I got the braces on I felt much better having made my decision and taken the first step. I am quite sure that as surgery approaches I will be a mess again...but I will deal with that when the time comes.

There is an archwired surgery board, boards on yahoo, and ton of surgery blogs online that you can read and get an idea of what to expect. Here are a couple to get you started. ... rysupport/

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:18 am
by Betty Bat
Perhaps it is true that "no one ever died from a bad bite", but ...

There is a correlation between bad dental health and heart disease.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:22 pm
by Braced4braces
Hey, I know what u r going through! I'm not braced yet myself... I've been wanting to and have consulted 2 orthos, writing down negatives n positives of getting braces, reading this forum for over n over again, looking at my teeth in the mirror all the time n getting peranoid of teeth and gum problems if i get braced, etc etc... to tell the truth, whenever I see adults with braces, I admire their courage for getting them! I still have my doubts but after reading regret stories of people putting off 10+ years before getting braces, I think might give it a try. So I'm going to get another consultation as adviced by many others in this forum in my earlier post. What I think is it is impt to think it through carefully so you know what you want (and what you don't want). What is your age range? If you are in the 20s like me, I would think it is the best time to put braces. The earlier the better. Don't delay for too long! Hope you get an answer soon. Be sure to let me know your decision :D

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:56 pm
by iBorg
Okay, I'm in my mid 40's so I can relate to the "what am I DOING?" voice in your head. As for negatves. Eating takes a bit more care. I also have lost a little pudge so thats a wash. Oral care is an issue. I'm paranoid about it. If you go for braces pay attention to it. My concern is how well do you care for your teth now? If you do a poor job prior to braces, you will have problems. You need to get your teeth and gum in good shape before you do this. After that, yes it takes a bit more time, but I am convinced its worth it.

Did I have my doubts? As I expressed before, yes. Am I glad I did it, yes.

You mention negatives. What are they? Maybe others can give you some good opinions based on their experience.


Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 4:13 pm
by lionfish
iBorg wrote:
You mention negatives. What are they? Maybe others can give you some good opinions based on their experience.

I think most of the negatives I'd conjured up about braces over the decades were purely in my mind. The so-called pain factor really had me worried. But to my enduring satisfaction, modern treatment is virtually pain free (well, it has been for me anyway) and hasn't changed my lifestyle one bit.

It's a year since my consult and I will have been in braces a year come February 2007. If I'd continued to procrastinate, that would be another year gone. As it is, I've come a long way in that time and will finish up sometime in 2007.

Negatives? None, really.

Positives? Proper dental function for the first time in almost 40 years. Awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:51 pm
by iBorg
Okay I have one negative. I went to a movie tonight, Night at the Museum (highly recommended), and ate too much pop corn. Flossing is going to be a bummer.

Beyond that, I have no negatives.
