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The second best words every braced individual longs to hear

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:57 am
by Fran1988
Oh My I can not believe he said it to me.... The second best words which every braced individual longs to hear. "They are looking fantastic they should be coming off with in the next couple of appointments" :-#) The best obviously being "They are coming off now", but I am just too happy to be thing about those words right now. I know that the chances of them coming off with in the next couple of appointments can, well how shall i say it, decrease every time I go back to see him. And another thing how long is a couple of appointments to him??? :? But to be honest I am on top of the world at the moment with my bright pink ligs and my smile that is every day looking a whole lot better ... I just can't believe he said it to me :D Yippee!!! But a big downside this time my teeth are KILLIN' me. This is the first time they have hurt me so badly :( But It is all for the best :dance:

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:59 am
by bunnyfluff
Wow! And you've only had them for about 8 months? Lucky lucky you! :o

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:42 am
by iBorg
Congrats on the message. Its funny many of us are excited to start the proces for whatever reason. ALL of us are excited to end the process!


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:49 pm
by fitchick
Hi Fran,

That's great news, exactly what we are all waiting to hear. And it does make putting up with any aches and pains worth it.

I'm just across the water from you too, in Gosport! Small world, you don't visit my ortho in Fareham do you?


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:34 pm
by Fran1988
you don't visit my ortho in Fareham do you
talk about a small world lol No I don't i visit Eastney ortho in southsea.

I mean i am back on baby food - all mushed up and eating liquids. Plus i have had a constant headache since ive had them adjusted :(

But yep your right, it does make putting up with the aches and pains worth it.