Getting Braces on Monday :/

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Getting Braces on Monday :/

#1 Post by Whisper*Dior »

Hi Everyone!....Im new to this board but Ive been reading everyone's comments and you all seem very supportive about getting braces.

Im getting my braces on Monday and Im extremely nervous. Ive actually been having dreams and waking up with a REALLY sore mouth because I keep thinking about how much pain ill be in. Everyone I know who has had braces keeps saying they feel bad for me because it hurts SO much. When I decided to get braces i never ONCE thought about the pain. I was just so concerned about getting my one tooth fixed that I didnt even think it would hurt. (My teeth are really straight except for my left "fang" which is pointy and higher than the rest. My bite is also going to be corrected cos you cant see my bottom teeth when I smile).

Im honestly scaring myself so much right now that i really really really want to back out of it. When I mention to ppl Im getting braces they are like "for what?" and when I show them they are like "omg thats nothing" so now Im kind of what am I getting myself into.

Ive been looking into getting braces since I was 12, but my parents would NOT pay for it, even though I was covered at the time. So since May, because now I have the money and Im 22, I was like thats IT im getting them so I stop complaining about how my teeth look. Ive been researching for 8 months over the internet and I went to honestly 4 different orthos to get EVERYONES opinion. Then I also talked to alot of people who have had them or who have them. I really really thought I was ready but now that the bay is approaching im really really scared.

Another thing is, Ive been doing beauty pageants since I was 19 and Im always around girls with perfect stunning smiles, and that is another reason why I want my teeth fixed so I wont feel so uncomfortable when Im competing, but it is going to be so hard because i know im going to feel hideous. The thing is, when I see other people with braces I think they actually look good on them. Like stylish. But on me I think Im going to look like a huge nerd. I also wear glasses when Im bumming around the house. LOL. And Im also starting a new job in the next coming weeks where Ill be dealing face to face with the public.

This is such an awkward time, and I have so many emotions. Like im happy Im getting them cos my process will be started and the sooner I start the sooner they will be off (I have to wear them for about 12-16 months) but then im scared cos of the pain, how I will look and peoples reactions. But then I think once I start seeing results ill be so happy I did it. Im so confused.

Did anyone have these mixed reactions besides me...cos honestly 50% of me wants to say forget it. LOL.

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#2 Post by Tasha0313 »

Whisper*Dior it's really not going to be as bad as you think trust me.

When I first decided that I wanted braces, I was 21 and I also had mixed emotions. I had done enough research, but I still was very apprehensive about actually doing it.

Don't worry about what other people say. You are correcting your smile because you want to, you're doing it for yourself and not for anyone else!

No pain, no gain, is also another thing to keep in mind. I think everyone on here has said that at least once. My ortho also told me that when I once complained about how aggravating my braces were. Yes there were times when it was in fact painful, but I am so happy that I decided to get braces.

I too used to look at people in braces and say aww they look so cute on you, I never thought they would look cute on me, but I can honestly say I like the way my teeth look with my braces, I might even miss them a little once I get them off lol.

I have a job where I face the public quite a bit, I handle injury claims and there are times when I have to meet with insured and claimants. I also attend insurance conferences and things of that nature and never once has anyone said wow you have braces. It's become a part of my life now and not the main focus of my life.

Honestly I love my braces and wouldn't change anything about them. I have had them since 2003 and I get them off on the 23rd of this month. I am more confident about my smile than I have ever been in my life and that's a wonderful feeling.

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#3 Post by Whisper*Dior »

Thanks so much everybody for your comments. I always feel better about getting them when I talk about it and when other people share thier stories. I really hope that Im making such a huge deal out of this that when they are on ill be like "Oh and I was worried about THAT?" lol. Ill keep everyone posted. ! Thanks again.

P.S - Tasha0313 you are sooooo lucky you are getting yours off soon. ;)

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#4 Post by minnie2 »

Hi Whisper Dior,

I can understand very well ! the last week , I was terrified! My message was a big help!!!! I just wanted to cancel my appointment. I didn't know if it was the best decision. I receipt a lot of messages positives! a lot of energy and the wind had changed (thanks for this forum) .
Now, i've had my braces for 3 days and i don't have pain!!! really! nothing! and my b-day was a perfect day. I had a lot of fun with my ortho! without pain. My extraction was the worst part of my treatment but without pain,also! i'm still waiting "pain"!
I feel great the only thing is the feeling in my mouth!!! strange!

I wish you the best for you! and there is a lot of good story without pain! You will be lucky also.
With this forum... i've "Braces friends" thanks


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#5 Post by ssfw »

Hi Whisper*Dior,

Don't change your mind about getting braces. I think most people are nervous before getting their braces. I was nervous also but once they were placed, I felt great and was actually relieved that it was done. I can't believe it's been over one year since I began orthodontic treatment -time does fly. Hopefully your orthodontist and his/her staff are nice people because it sure makes a difference for me becasue this is what gives me an extra optimistic and fun attitude about wearing braces.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#6 Post by hd2755 »

just to let you know i had the same feeling. I am recently braced on 1-2-07 thanks to my work that paid for half of it. i just cant get the handle on eating. i do not want to chew in fear of breaking anything, i do have two long spans of wire and anyone got a guitar pick we could play songs on my braces. all i am doing is mashing everything on the roof of my mouth and praying it goes down right. i want to eat normal.. little pain as of yet i have the THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR metal brackets.


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Re: Getting Braces on Monday :/

#7 Post by manglemouth »

When I mention to ppl Im getting braces they are like "for what?" and when I show them they are like "omg thats nothing"
I get that too and the only thing I can think of, is that people are trying to be polite? I have an overjet, my midline is WAY off, a snaggle tooth, and when I smile you can only see 4 teeth because of my arch being so narrow. Now, how does someone not notice that I need braces or even better, try to talk me out of it? So I really think that's just people's ways of saying anything but "yeah your teeth really do need help"

Just my 0.02 :wink:

Good luck on b-day! You will be FINE! Just think that as soon as those braces are on, your teeth will start moving. I know me, I will look for changes two hours into treatment :lol:

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#8 Post by ssfw »

hd2755 wrote:just to let you know i had the same feeling. I am recently braced on 1-2-07 thanks to my work that paid for half of it. i just cant get the handle on eating. i do not want to chew in fear of breaking anything, i do have two long spans of wire and anyone got a guitar pick we could play songs on my braces. all i am doing is mashing everything on the roof of my mouth and praying it goes down right. i want to eat normal.. little pain as of yet i have the THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO ADMINISTRATOR metal brackets.

Hi louis,

Don't deprive yourseld from eating solid foods just because you have braces. If your teeth are slightly sore, start off by eating some softer foods. Otherwise, eat your normal foods and the only change I have really made is cutting up my food into smaller pieces. You may want to stay away from real sticky foods (some types of candy) and real hard items. I usually sense if something is too hard as soon as I place it in my mouth, if that happens I just remove it. It's not easy to break a bracket or wire but it can happen for different reasons. I think as soon as you begin to eat your normal foods you will begin to get use to the braces/eating alot faster.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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New to the process

#9 Post by Sumendoza »

Hi Whisper Dior,

I am having my braces put on Wednesday and like you I am terrified! But after reading your message and everyone's messages with ideas to make it better and a lot of support I am feeling a lot better.

I guess it will take some time to get used to it; but I look forward to share my story with everyone here and look for advise when I need it....

So scared, but so excited! :)

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#10 Post by MsViola »

I know exactly how you feel. I still have 10 days to wait. Good luck and hopefully it will go smoothly for you today.

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#11 Post by toniz »

I know how you feel, too. I have totally changed my mindset, though, when I discovered this website last month. I am still just a lurker and nobody knows me, but everyone here has helped me more than they will ever know!

BTW..KK.......thanks for posting the checklist for b-day. I posted your list on my refrigerator. :-) I am 42 yrs. old and will finally be getting my braces on January 31 (with SARPE surgery the next day).

Take care,

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#12 Post by Skylark »


Seriously, you have nothing to worry about! I was in a very similar situation to you a week ago. I was so nervous about it, and had second thoughts. Like you, I have only one tooth that you can tell is crooked, so people don't understand why I'm doing it. But like you I have a crooked bite so I reckon it's worth it.

And like you I'm a bit self conscious and wear glasses when I'm at home which always makes me feel a bit unattractive - but seriously, this week has made me realise it's all in your head!

I got my ceramics on a week ago (just uppers) and only 2 people have commented, and then it was just 'oh you have braces' and that was it. No one else has noticed (I teach kids and if they noticed they'd certainly tell me!) They do show but it's made me realise how little people look at you and analyse! So it's actually a confidence boost. 8)

They haven't hurt - yours will probably be fine too as it's only one tooth that's really out of place - and they're already very comfortable. It's not like it was years ago (I had full metals 12 years ago and they did hurt).

In fact I have to keep reminding myself I'm braced as it's such a non-event (except being a bit careful when eating, which I can live with).

So go for it, you'll probably feel really proud that you did it and that you are finally sorting your teeth! I am learning to care less what other people think anyway so it's an all round confidence boost, and think how great it will be when our smiles are permanently sorted!

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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#13 Post by Whisper*Dior »

So I did it! top braces are on and Im getting my bottoms feb 12th (which was a shock because I thought I wouldnt get them till May/June)

It isnt bad AT ALL! Right after I got them on me and my bf went out to eat at East Side Marios. LMAO (I swear I never thought I would eat out in public for like a YEAR) and then we went to the mall, and i am TOTALLY fine!

The nurse said yesterday I would probably feel pain at 6pm....NOPE NOTHING. And this morning I woke up and all I feel is pressure, but it doesnt hurt...I just take advil just in case.

The only thing that was super weird is I kept placing my top lip over my braces when I would close my mouth just to make sure i would cover my braces and my bf and my mom made fun of me for that. LOL..they said I kept making a dumb face when i did that LOL.

Honestly tho I think it is a cool feeling. Like I opened a new chapter in my life because for the next year these are going to be part of me. I just hope that i dont start getting sick of them and I want them off in 6 months (im an impatient person)

Good luck Sumendoza and MsViola you guys are going to be fine and SUPER happy when they are placed because the process is finally started and all you have to wait for is the end result! :0)

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#14 Post by Whisper*Dior »

Oh...btw...I have a question for Skylark.

You had baces before and now you have them again. How old were you the first time you had braces. I was supposed to get them when I was 12, but my mom constantly said no. She said the best time to get them would be when Im older and i get my wisdom teeth pulled, plus if I get them as a child they would shift by the time I was an adult. Is this true what happened to you? Or is it because you didnt wear a retainer? This is what Im nervous about because I dont want to be wearing these things now and then they shift. Im actually going to ask for two retainers....even if i have to pay for the extra one, because I dont want mine to shift at all. Im getting the permanent retainers, but then i want one to sleep with just to be sure. But ya, I just wanted to know why this is your second set?

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#15 Post by Skylark »

Yay Whisper*Dior, good for you!

Isn't it such a buzz when you finally get them! After all that dread, I was so surprised to actually feel happy and excited when I go them on. I sometimes do that lip thing too, trying to cover them, but not as much as during the first couple of days.

I had them when I was 14 for two years. I wore my retainer religiously for about 2 years (24 hours for a year and then at night), but they started to slip forward. I've worn it most nights a week ever since (I'm 26 now) but they still kept moving! :oops: My ortho says that unless a retainer fits perfectly then they will start to move.

My bottom teeth were never retained but moved less so I'm not having anything done to them. But they've fitted a permanent retainer so they'll never move again - yeh! I'm also getting a permanent one on top when the braces come off as my main aim is to stop this movement!

Hopefully with permanent retainers we'll both be fine! Are yours ceramic? How long do you have to wear them for? I'm hoping to get mine off in 6 months and finish off with invisalign.

What a relief for both of us that they're on, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be! :lol:

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