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1st adjustment and surviving flu! *pics*

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:07 pm
by Amy19

I decided to go to my appointment, i luckily didn't look too much like death that day so i dont think my ortho noticed. Everything went ok, she said there was loads of movement and that all she was going to do was put a thicker wire in. Question though? she put a flat wire on my uppers does anyone know what that does? and on most of my teeth my ligs are in a form on an 8, does anyone know what this means?

I didn't ask her these questions because i kind of rushed out of there so i didnt cough everywhere haha! i have attached some pics from when i had them put on and now pink ligs yey!

2nd week


hope everyone is well :D

Amy x

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:25 am
by Lisa65
The rectangular wires are for tipping teeth. Because it can't spin in the bracket the way a round wire does, it exerts more precise forces at the points where it's needed.

My ortho has always used figure of 8 ligs on me, and until I noticed other people's pics on here I thought that was the norm. I guess it gives a tighter fit between wire and bracket.

Your teeth look fab and I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Flu is awful and it can take so long to really feel 100% again. I'd definitely recommend a flu jab for next winter :wink: