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Should I change my bottom metal brackets to clear ones?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:57 pm
by pcgal
I just got my braces on 5 days ago (I'm over 40 and am wondering what the heck I was thinking! To everyone else, I had a nice smile, but I had a lot of crowding in my lower teeth, an underbite on one side and jaw pain). I just can't get used to seeing myself with all of that metal on my lower teeth! The ortho originally put them on my lower teeth because they were smaller. He said he'd switch them out if I wanted. I know its going to cost an extra $300 to do it...I just want other opinions about whether its a good change or not.

Two times in the last 5 days friends have asked me why I had the metal ones put on the bottom. When I told one of them that the ortho could switch them out, she said, "then do it!" The other one, when she saw me said, "boy, you have a mouthful!!!" So, I'm getting my own self talk and that of my friends! Not very good for the self esteem! :oops:

What are the pros and cons of both? Does anyone out there have the clear (or porcelain, I guess) on both? I have an appointment to have it done in two days...I want to make sure I'm making the right decision...

Help! :?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:26 pm
by pcgal
Thanks! I didn't think my bottom teeth would show so much...they hardly show when I smile. But when I talk, they stick out and tend to be the focus of my mouth (at least when I talk in front of the mirror). And maybe I just haven't figured out the right way to talk yet! Its a lot harder than I thought it would be. My teeth feel like they have plaque all over them and I just want to scrape them off! Does that feeling go away? Its wearing me down and is really depressing. I find I just don't want to do anything social!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:27 pm
by pcgal
Thanks! I didn't think my bottom teeth would show so much...they hardly show when I smile. But when I talk, they stick out and tend to be the focus of my mouth (at least when I talk in front of the mirror). And maybe I just haven't figured out the right way to talk yet! Its a lot harder than I thought it would be. My teeth feel like they have plaque all over them and I just want to scrape them off! Does that feeling go away? Its wearing me down and is really depressing. I find I just don't want to do anything social!

I've been having a lot of pain too...and when I take Motrin or tylenol, it just upsets my stomach and I find I'm running to the bathroom all the time. So, I don't know which is worse, the pain or the stomach issues.


Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:56 am
by Ronsie
I understand your anxieties but I would wait a few weeks before changing brackets only because it seems you are having some generalized anxiety about the braces in general. This is thoroughly understandable! The only thing I could think and say immediately after getting braces was, "What the he** was I thinking!?!" But it does get better. And MUCH better. Two months into treatment, all the anxieties died away (including anxieties about work lunches/dinners). And as everyone else has said here, no one else really thinks about your braces for more than a minute, if even that! I would give yourself some time to get over the initial shock and discomfort of having braces and then come back to the issue then.
PS I have upper and lower ceramic.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:22 am
by pcgal
So, if I decide to give these metal braces on the bottom a few more weeks, what color bands make them a little less noticable? I have white/pearl on now and I think it makes my teeth look sharp (as in cat or tiger teeth, not as in "cool"). Is it better just to have a color or do clear? I'm having my bands on my upper porcelains replaced weekly to prevent staining so I'll be in there anyway...any opinions?

You are right...I am having some problems dealing with how I look. I'm a sensitive person anyway and when people react to the braces in the way they have, I really wonder about my decision. It HAS been less than a week though...and I am still the thought of having the bottoms replaced scares me too. Maybe I should wait a little...

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:30 am
by neelie
I too would wait before changing to ceramics on the bottom. I have ceramic on top, metal on the bottom. At 56 years old I really don't want to draw any attention to my braces but this is what my ortho recommended. The ceramics are definately bulky. Give yourself sometime to adjust. My lower teeth were very crowded and in just three months I'm seeing great progress. Funny, no one said anything about my braces until this month and just two people asked me if I had braces. Maybe because the teeth are changing position they are more noticeable.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:21 am
by pcgal
What color bands do you put on your bottom metal braces?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:25 am
by ngbraces
Hi pcgal,

I know your frustration because I once got one :wink: But trust me, the advices you've been hearing are well true. I, also, don't want to look strange with all the stainless in my mouth. So, at first, I got ceramic on upper, but later I had problem with them popping off, then I had them changed to metal. Now as you see, 52 years old, full metal mouth, overbite, overjet, a wonky tooth, a gap, all of which always show off when I open my mouth, and... a pair of reading glasses! Can it be worse? :shock: Actually, so far I haven't received any negative comments yet. If they come, so what..? I just spend 2 years to get the desired smile and healthy teeth for 20 years and maybe more! It's a good deal :thumbsup: Braces come and go. Your teeth and their look absolutely stay with you forever. So, like the advices were given, keep positive attitude and make decision on knowledge, be ready for an interesting journey and you will have a wonderful destination.
By the way, I'm in self ligating brackets which don't really need ligs, but for the inmost brackets, my ortho still put some silver color ligs on. They look much less visible.
Welcome aboard! :-1

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:48 pm
by jennielee81

I am going to echo what everyone else said in that you should wait and "live with it" for a little while. I have metal on the bottom and ceramic on top.

It's really surprising that your friends are so bold in their comments!!! Nobody said anything negative to me...

I wouldn't use their comments to make my decission. Could be that they were just trying to say something...say anything and it came out wrong.

I have always liked light pink ligatures (bands) on metal. I think it looks less :shock:

Kind of soft around the edges.

Let us know what you decide.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:07 pm
by susieq182
lavender seem to blend well I have all metal brackets and no one has ever made a negative coment about them.
Sorry thats not the best picture but i have lavender on my top brackets and a running wire tie on the lowers. I agree with Karen that is you are nervous about them people will pick up on them. The lavender has yet to show much staing and i have had these on since before thanksgiving so they have been through lots of staining foods.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:15 pm
by jennielee81
Thanks Kiwi and susieq182
You reminded me that I LOVE purple ligs!!

You are also right when you say that it is more obvious when you try to hide your braces.

So many of us have these same thoughts and feelings as we go through our treatment. I am so glad you found Archwired....we can share our stories and advice and hopefully help you out with this (and other) questions and problem.


Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:31 pm
by platinum
If those metal brackets really bothers you, change them to ceramics, if this is ok with your ortho. Why suffer if you can change the situation...