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What products do Orthos usually give their patients?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:41 pm
by MsViola
I am trying to be pro-active and get ready for my big B-day. Are there products (wax, brushes, floss) that orthos usually give to their patients. I want to be prepared without buying "stuff" I can get for free.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:58 pm
by cowlypso
You'll probably have to buy floss, although you might wait to try the stuff your ortho gives you to see if you like it or want to try something else. There are lots of different styles of floss and floss threaders available.

From my ortho, I got:
-electric toothbrush (I hear this is a fairly rare, big-ticket item)
-sample-size bottle of mouthwash
-10 strands of threader floss
-one container of wax
-travel toothbrush
-little proxy/christmas tree brush
-some informational pamphlets

I was told that I could get more of any of those items (except the electric toothbrush) free from them if I asked. However, I think I'll buy my own floss, seeing as they give it out in quantities of 10, that would be a lot of asking...

You probably don't need to buy any wax, since you will almost definitely get that from your ortho, and you may not need more than that one box (at least before your next appointment). I went through about half my box in the first 3 days, but haven't used any since. And if you start to run low, you can always go buy some then.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:59 pm
by MsViola
I got a Sonicare toothbrush for Christmas that I have to make myself use. I try to use it every other night but the vibration drives me whacky. I know I will have to do better.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:09 pm
by MsViola
I am currently working on putting together 3 kits: 1 to leave in the car, 1 to leave at work and 1 for my purse. I spend a lot of the time on the go and traveling, sometimes with very little notice. The thought of being somewhere "looking crazy" is too scarey.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:50 pm
by jennielee81
MY ortho gave me:

a braun (oral B 5000) electric toothbrush,
regular toothbrush with proxy brush attachment,
toothpaste (whitening!) :huh: ,
a magnet :wink:

My KIDS ortho gave them....un....

a list of stuff they couldn't eat.

Depends on your ortho and I am SURE I paid for that toothbrush. I do like it and I felt special leaving with my "parting gifts". Don't expect anything and be thrilled with what you get :thumbsup:

I understand my ortho also gives a goody bag for de-bonding...I'll find out on Thursday.

Let us know what you get!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:35 pm
by Katica
My ortho gave me:

- Dental wax
- A travel toothbrush
- A couple of disposable toothbrushes
- A packet of floss threaders
- A pamphlet about oral health
- A list of stuff I'm apparently not allowed to eat (So, uh, if I can't eat candy and I can't eat nuts, candied nuts cancel each other out and are okay, right? :wink: )

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:09 pm
by cowlypso
So, uh, if I can't eat candy and I can't eat nuts, candied nuts cancel each other out and are okay, right?
Hmm... totally off the topic here, but... My doctor told me not to drink alcohol because it's a depressant. And she told me not to drink caffiene because it's a stimulant. My preferred drink now? Rum and coke. :-*

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:04 pm
by turrrtlelove22
I got....

an orthodontic toothbrush
floss threader
sample size of cool mint phos-flur...bleh
travel size prxy brush
lots of

and some pamphets and some other info stuff...

i think thats it...hmmm only a month ago and i cant remember...LOL :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:45 pm
by Delag
Gee, all I got was a pack of really nasty bubble gum flavored wax. :yuck:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:43 am
by jennielee81
Hey, Jennielee - promise you won't leave us when you're debonded!
I promise I won't leave!

I can't cut myself off from y'all cold turkey!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:26 pm
by choccyface
I got....

a small headed toothbrush
interdental brush
Vey fine interdental brushes for cleaning round the brace
Travel size toothpaste
Disclosing tablets

Sarah x

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:33 pm
by jennielee81
my "debonding goodies" also known as "parting gifts" were:

bag of no-no candy
water bottle cozy
packages of brush-ups

All-in-all not the booty I was hoping for :wink:

I think I'm becoming a spoiled brat :shock:

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:51 pm
by BracedBelle
I got....
a small headed toothbrush
interdental brush
Vey fine interdental brushes for cleaning round the brace
Travel size toothpaste
Disclosing tablets
Sarah x
This is what I got, aside from the disclosing tablets which I actually want and can't figure out how to get.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:59 pm
by LucyVanity
I don't know if I can remember this exactly but...
regular toothbrush
floss threader things
proxy brush (the head broke off, so I had to go get another one XD)
travel brush (guilty of never using, ever... >.>)
1 packet of wax
disclosing tablets
Oral B fluoride gel (I'm running out and need to figure out where to get more...)
list of stuff I "can't" eat... haha