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Now I'm getting a lil nervous!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:48 pm
by GracieG.
I am set to get my braces on in less than 48 hours. I am very excited about starting this journey, but now I'm starting to think about how much I might let this change my life. My friends birthday is the weekend after next, and I am nervous about meeting some of her friends and going out to clubs, etc....of course I am going to go, but still I'm nervous about it. Then I just found out after an already crammed schedule at work that my boss is having me teach internal training classes 3 days next week! AHHHH! First off, I am not cool with speaking in public-I'll do it without going into cardiac arrest, but still... and then I thought..oh man..I'm going to have braces too...the icing on the cake!! :oops:

Just a few minutes ago I got an invitation to another friends birthday get together that is the day before my other friends...don't think I'll have time for that though...I guess I should be glad that I've got so many options..but then I think...THE BRACES!!!! I seriously think I am making a much bigger deal out of this than is necessary, and I am sort of laughing at myself right now.... Has anyone else thought about these sorts of things before the ole brackets come on?!?!?

Re: Now I'm getting a lil nervous!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:06 pm
by lionfish
GracieG. wrote:I am set to get my braces on in less than 48 hours. I am very excited about starting this journey, but now I'm starting to think about how much I might let this change my life. My friends birthday is the weekend after next, and I am nervous about meeting some of her friends and going out to clubs, etc....of course I am going to go, but still I'm nervous about it. Then I just found out after an already crammed schedule at work that my boss is having me teach internal training classes 3 days next week! AHHHH! First off, I am not cool with speaking in public-I'll do it without going into cardiac arrest, but still... and then I thought..oh man..I'm going to have braces too...the icing on the cake!! :oops:

Just a few minutes ago I got an invitation to another friends birthday get together that is the day before my other friends...don't think I'll have time for that though...I guess I should be glad that I've got so many options..but then I think...THE BRACES!!!! I seriously think I am making a much bigger deal out of this than is necessary, and I am sort of laughing at myself right now.... Has anyone else thought about these sorts of things before the ole brackets come on?!?!?
Yes, it's a fairly common feeling.

The trick is not to let braces interfere with your life. It's good that you've got all those activities lined up - they will take your mind off your braces and help you adjust faster.

I can assure you that you will be able to deal with the public speaking thing as well as meeting with your friends and others. They may show some interest at first, but after that you're not likely to hear much from them.

Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:29 pm
by Whisper*Dior
OMG I totally know what you are talking about. I just got my braces on yesterday and on Saturday is my boyfriends brothers bday and they want to go to this bar. K 1) there are going to be people there i never met and Im a little nervous and 2) his cousins gf might be there and I can not stand this girl. She is younger than me but she is one of those girls that has really big boobs and shows them. She isnt pretty, its sad to say but she uses her body for attention, and trust me she gets it. And I just dont want to be around this chick who dresses and acts the way she does and then there is me with braces. I know I sound pathetic. But ya I totally understand, but basically I just think they are going to be apart of my life for a year or more...and we cant become hermits just because we have braces. We have to think we are doing something positive for ourselves. We are enhancing our look to make us more stunning. And think of this...things could be way worse in life. Look at people who loose legs in car accidents or arms etc. They have to live with that the rest of thier life. Its going to be ok just go and have fun.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:19 pm
by ssfw
I agree with all of the posts. In fact, I think you got lucky and will be kept busy - less time to think about your braces. With the training and parties I think it's a great way for you to "break the ice" with your braces :D . If you happen to have a problem with talking when you first get your braces, just remember to talk a little slower.

Keep us posted.


Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:03 pm
by GracieG.
Thank you so much everybody for your quick responses! I am SOOO thankful that I found this site! I really don't know what I would do without your support...I think when I go out I'll have to make sure I've got a super cute outfit on to help boost my self esteem-not that that is everything, but, hey, whatever helps! Whisper-you are totally right on when you say that things could be worse! I should be thankful that I can do this for myself right now....things just moved so quickly for me once I made up my mind about doing this (my first consult was last thursday, and I'm getting braced one week after the consult)! I guess I just thought I would have more time to adjust to the idea...I was just so excited to get started..the sooner they are on, the sooner they come off!

I was also trying to decide whether I want to take a vacation day from work, or if I should just go in afterwards..after much deliberation I've decided to just go in...might as well! I'm going to try to be a trooper about this...I have a long weekend coming up, which leaves plenty of time for me to sit at home, crying into my pillow, wondering WHY GOD WHY have I done this to myself!!?? :D I'm totally kidding about the last part, well, maybe a little...

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:40 pm
by lionfish
GracieG. wrote:
I was also trying to decide whether I want to take a vacation day from work, or if I should just go in afterwards..after much deliberation I've decided to just go in...might as well! I'm going to try to be a trooper about this...I have a long weekend coming up, which leaves plenty of time for me to sit at home, crying into my pillow, wondering WHY GOD WHY have I done this to myself!!?? :D I'm totally kidding about the last part, well, maybe a little...
I went back to work afterwards. There is really no need to take time off.

Try not to waste your precious weekend with miserable thoughts. Go out and do something nice. Life goes on.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:44 am
by GracieG.
Well I went through with and got the braces on! I went right back to work afterwords and people told me they could barely see them unless they are up close. Click on my WWW to see my story with pics! Thanks again for all of your support!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:53 am
by lionfish
You're on your way now, gracie. Have a great weekend.