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First Adjustment and a giggle...

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:01 pm
by *boom!*
I had my first adjustment today. It went well and I'm feeling fine right now. I had four extractions about a week after having most of the top put on (no wire where the teeth were to be pulled) and now have a full wire and a spring to start pushing two of my teeth apart (I have one hidden behind the front teeth). I have bright blue ligs now. :D

Well here's the giggle, Sunday night I was looking for my appointment card and figured it was in with my original paperwork. Quick background: I had my braces put on the day before Thanksgiving, had my teeth pulled a week later, had all the Christmas parties and festivities, a couple of helper days at my daughter's school, and just got over a bought of bronchitis and pharyngitis. Well, I never looked at the paperwork from the ortho until Sunday. I was reading it over and found that a proxy brush should be used twice a day and that a fluoride rinse is also recommended. Well, I remember finding a handle for something (I think my five year old ran off with the proxy brush) but didn't have any tips for it.

I don't know how to make this shorter... :)

Anyhow, so for the last six weeks I haven't used a proxy brush or fluoride and thought that I would be chastised today. Quite the contrary as they told me I have "impecable" oral hygiene. LOL I did admit to my blunder and was told to just keeping what I've been doing because it's great.

Just so you know, I brush after eating anything.

I floss, brush and use mouth wash before bedtime.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:09 pm
by TuZZi
It's funny sometimes how they expect us to be doing things by the book, and when they hear we haven't.... realise it's an awesome job anyways!

I usually brush only once a day, twice if I ate something that really needs to get cleaned out, or I'm on the way to the ortho or dentist. But 95% of the time, I brush once a day. I floss MAYBE 5 times between monthly appointments, don't use proxy brushes or anything other than an electric sonic-complete toothbrush, interdental pick and toothpicks.....

I've been praised for my oral hygeine since the 3rd month! What's funny, is that I brushed more, flossed more, used mouthwash, and all the bells and whistles for the first 2 months... then got lazy.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:23 am
by *boom!*
I think three times a day is great. Honestly, if I worked outside the home I'm sure I wouldn't do it as often as I do. Often times after I eat I just would prefer to brush and feel really clean. Being at home, spending a couple of extra minutes in the bathroom a couple of extra times a day to feel better is definitely worth it to me.


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:28 am
by joney
Hi *boom* I too have a hidden tooth and a spring, let's hope they come out of hiding soon!

I must admit that I never flossed before I got my braces on, mainly because most teeth were so tightly packed together that there wasn't any space. I tried it once but my gums bled and I thought that must be a bad sign, I now know better. However the ortho said my oral hygiene was good! The only thing I can put this down to is the fact that I had 3 monthly visits to the hygienist and perhaps the fact that the teeth were so tight that food really couldn't get trapped.

Now I am a convert and my teeth only feel really really clean when I floss them at night. My husband recently became a convert to flossing after he was told that his gums were receeding and thankfully he has the situation under control now.
