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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:24 am
by ema27
I Get my spacers later on this morning and im beginning to get anxious...iv heard it hurts afterwards but does it hurt while its being done and how long does it take..looking forward to starting my journey not looking forward to pain!!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:25 am
by jc75
Hi Ema

Don't worry, you'll be ok. It takes probably less than 5 seconds to put each spacer in. When my ortho did mine she had them on these plier type things and just popped them in between my teeth. You might feel a bit of pushing upwards if the teeth are a little tight but it doesn't hurt a bit.

You may have read on here that spacers are really painful, and I was really nervous before I got mine, just like you are now. I got them in and was waiting and waiting for the pain to arrive, but it never did! I think I was lucky but just try not to think about it and get on with things as normal. It may be a bit tender but you will still be able to function - don't worry! I ended up having mine in for quite a few weeks and in the end I didn't even know they were there!

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:58 am
by ema27
thanks for replying im glad it doesnt take long-im hoping my experience is a good one like yours-they are meant to be in for a week so surely i can cope with pain and discomfort for 7 days!i mean how much damage can these little blighters do!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:02 am
by joney
I didn't have spacers as I have a different system. From what I've read here though some people can find them uncomfortable for a few days but luckilly they are not in place too long. I would imagine that it also depends on how tightly packed your teeth are. My daughters did just fine with their spacers, not sure if this is because of their age though.

Good luck, I hope it goes well for you. There is lots of support on archwired if they do hurt. It also means that you are one step closer to getting your brace.


spacers are on

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:38 am
by ema27
I Have just been and got my spacers on-your right i was back in the car going home within 10 minutes!-so they dont take long .had some lovely pictures of me which will be my befores-looking forward to seeing the afters!!Braces go on next week-i was told it would take 20 minutes to put the braces on -i thought it took much longer!!!so far cant even tell that spacers are in-hope thats still the case in 6 days time-ta-ra for now!

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:43 am
by platinum
Good luck!

I will get my spacers on Friday. i am not really scared that they cause pain. I had elastics when I was kid on top molars to fix crossbit. i can't remember them causing too much pain.