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Has anyone ever tried these??

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:16 pm
by Cor1
Hi all well I am having alot of pain on one side, due to a small hemangoma on the inside of my right cheek (it is a type of birthmark, which I can't get removed, because there is a vein or artery that is supplying it with blood, and surgery is out of the question) anyways........I've lived with it for the past 37 years, with no noticeable problem before the BRACES CAME ALONG!!!!

Now I have been doing good with the salt water rinses, and I haven't even (well I have tried) but it NEVER WORKS, AND I LOOSE IT BEFORE IT EVERY WORKS WAX!!! :x :x

Anyways, lately my teeth must be rotating into a normal position but ooooh my it is leaving indentations in my cheek, and it is very sore, and I can't get rid of it, because the birthmark will always be there, and like I said I can't do the wax...............soooooo my question is has anyone ever tried these "Comfort Covers" for braces??

I was gonna call my ortho and see if they had or could get me some in before my next apt. because I can't take much more of this pain, at least the other little rubs and what not would heal up and go away, this one won't or can't, so I think I need something kinda permanent, that I can keep on the one side till the teeth have rotated into positition and maybe I might have to keep something on till my braces come off, cause I don't know what else to do???!!! :( :(

Looking for any kind of help or suggestions.

Thanks again,


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:02 pm
by jennielondon
I'm not sure about comfort covers but my ortho gave me a sample of Zilactin. It's FDA approved for cold sores but many of her patients have had success using it on irritated cheeks. It creates a film over the sore and will supposedly help it heal in 2 days.

I haven't tried it yet (although I am about to when I get home... stupid bands have been irritating me all day) but it seems like it would be worth looking into. At least it's something to tide you over til your next appointment.