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HELP! Archwire has pinged out of bracket

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:31 pm
by jc75

I was eating a chocolate earlier this evening and felt the archwire ping out of the back bracket on one side of my bottom jaw. I have an extraction gap next to the last bracketed tooth and there was a length of archwire going across the gap which then went through a hole in my last bracket. As I was eating, the pressure downwards form the chocolate forced the archwire out of the hole.

Problem is, I go skiing tomorrow for a week and my ortho is closed on Saturdays. I have called an emergency number but don't hold much hope of hearing back from them before I go.

The wire is not causing me any discomfort at the moment as it is just resting on top of the bracket but I haven't yet tried brushing or eating. I am worried it's going to cause me problems while I am away.

What should I do? Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Thanks for your advice.

Serves me right for eating chocolates I guess!!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:01 pm
by cheggers
Yeah, this happened to me once. I was being a bit naughty and eating some crusty bread (against the rules) and the bread caused the wire to pop out and buckle a little. I was able to kind of poke it back into place, although the wire was buckled. Anyway I called and they said it was no major problem and not to panic. If it's not causing you any pain then there's no cause for immediate alarm, and you'll get it fixed when you come back.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:23 pm
by flipib05
this happened to me and my orthodontist just told me to try to put it back in and if that didn't work then leave it alone. if it is causing you discomfort then you can get a pair of fingernail clippers and clip the wire to the nearest bracket. they will get you a new wire obviously. sorry. :( :shock:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:28 pm
by MarvinBrace
Hello jc75,

I know exactly what you mean. I have on both side of my lower molars the same problem as you have. It happened twice with me on both side, I went the first time to my ortho and he told me that it is not a big problem unless the wire is poking you, which in my case wasn't poking me at all. The 2nd time I just waited when my adjustment came up (few days) and he gave me a thicker wire and told me that this wire will probably not get out of the bracket cos it won't bend as much as the first one.

So my opinion for you is don't worry unless the wire is poking you. Enjoy your trip and when you come back you will get it fixed. And eat normally cos it won't hurt you.


Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:25 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I have the exact same setup...happens to me all the time as it is actually more comfortable for me to chew on that side. My wire is pretty thick so most of the time it doesn't pop out, but it has several times before.

I just put it back in. If you bend it out to the side in a little arch you can get the wire to line up with the hole on the buccol tube that it goes in. Once its lined up you can just push it in until its straight again. It's really not a huge deal. It is mostly used to anchor the wire, and is not really moving that tooth in the back so your not going to really do any damage or anything. Depending on how thick your wire is, it may or may not be very easy. The first time I did this it was a piece of cake cause the wire was thin. The one I have now takes a bit more work as its sorta tough to bend, but believe me I have done it many worries, just fix it and save yourself a pointless trip to the ortho! :)

