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My gums!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:49 am
by She Waits

I am absolutely terrified at the moment! I have had my braces for almost a full week now and the pain has gradually eased away. However, while I was cleaning my teeth tonight I realised half the gum area where I have had a tooth extraction is swollen! It’s like a fleshy bubble and soft :shock: ! Can some one please advise me what is happening? Is it because of the movement caused by the braces or an infection? If this is a problem that requires medical attention do I seek my dentist or orthodontist?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:48 pm
by taylorhl25
I had an extraction and the same thing happened, it became swollen and red but not exactly painful, just uncomfortble. In the end I went to a dentist and it just turned out to be an infection, I was prescribed antibiotics and a bacterial mouthwash and it was fine within 3-5 days.

One thing that helped me aswell was to gentle swirl / bathe the area with warm water, make sure you do not do this to hard.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:52 pm
by She Waits
Thanks all! I'll get in touch with my ortho as soon as I can. It's just really strange because I had my extractions a months ago and everything until last night was fine :? .