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My journey starts here. . . .

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:11 am
by taylorhl25
Well I had my Ortho consult this afternoon and have decided to travel down the road of braces and I am now feeling excited and anxious and have a 4 week countdown till they are fitted.

I was very happy when told I would not need any form of extractions or pre-treatment and after discussions we decided on Damon 2/3 on upper and lower and although I really wanted ceramic, my Ortho confirmed that with the Damons my time in braces would only be 12 months, whereas ceramics could be up to 2 and half years.

I am still worried about feeling ugly or unconfident but my Ortho said to always focus on why I am doing this. . . am I normal to feel this way and I just need reassurance that it is going to be ok :? :?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:15 am
by the trooper2
Don't worry about feeling ugly i'm a 15 year old boy and i've had terrible teeth all my life and i've had braces for 5 days and they're great.I've had no one at school take the mick at all,you'll feel alot better when you have them and you start to see results.
Good luck!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:20 am
by platinum
Damon 2/3 on upper and lower and although I really wanted ceramic, my Ortho confirmed that with the Damons my time in braces would only be 12 months, whereas ceramics could be up to 2 and half years.
Hey, that's great! Just half of the time with Damons.
I am starting my trip on Friday. I have had times when I just wanted to take my spacers away... Well, they are still between my teeth :)

Good luck with your braces!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:28 am
by taylorhl25
Thanks guys it makes me feel better just knowing there are others going through the same and feeling the same.

Platinum, I am lucky and do not need spacers, I have heard they are very uncomfortable but not long now for you and good luck for Friday, I will check on line to see how it went :D

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:45 pm
by joney
Don't worry taylorhl25, braces shouldn't affect your confidence. You may be a bit self conscious at first while you are getting used to them but pretty soon you'll forget all about them. And lucky you, no extractions and 12 months treatment, this time next year you'll be so glad you've done this.


Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:08 pm
by taylorhl25
I know Joney I know I am lucky to only have a 12 month sentence, I was really worried about having to have spacers and exractions so was shocked when Ortho said he wanted to get the braces on asap and now just gotta wait till after I have a cavity filled (next week) and on 27th Feb at 5pm I will be in the chair !

I am beginning to realise that everyone feels the same and has the same anxieties about starting the brace journey but it seems that everyone gets used to the brace and I have even heard people miss them when they are gone.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:46 pm
by Lisa65
Great news about not needing any extractions or anything. Before you know it you'll be on the road to a lovely smile.
Don't worry about what other people think, well try not to anyway. :wink: At the end of the day you're doing it for you.

12 months will fly by.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:32 am
by Drama Queen

Its great that your journey is about to start. It is normal to feel anxious or unconfident about it but it does get better. If you are having a bad day just focus on the outcome. I still feel really self concious and unconfident being a 26 year old girl in braces but I know that this is only a temp thing that after 18 months it will be gone. The way you have to look at it is that it is only a small amount of time out of your life and it is better to have the braces for say 12 months than not to be happy about your teeth for the rest of your life.

Once you have started you will find that time will fly - tomorrow is my 6 month anniversary of being braced and hopefully I only have about a year to go.

Good luck and if you are having a down day just log onto this site and there will be plenty of support.

Lau xx

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:20 am
by taylorhl25
Thanks for your words, this site has been such a huge help for me already, I will definately be a regular x