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Where is the initial pain?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:14 pm
by jefferson24
Ok. I have a REALLY odd question. I had braces put on the tops yesterday, 36 hours ago. I was SO ready for the pain. I read every first day post and now, being the worrier I am, I am concerned I am not feeling adequate paid. Why would I want pain you ask? Well I am glad there is not a lot of discomfort but then I wonder if that means I am getting a slow start to the required movement. I am a little sore where the braces have the bracket for the rubber bands but not open areas on the gums and yes I feel that they are in there but not really very bothered by it. Only minor discomfort if I bite down with a bit of force. I have not needed any OTC medication for pain. I am able to eat what I want as long as I cut up my food and have been able to bite into food but have not been too aggressive with that.

Has anyone had a similiar experience with them going on and it being no big deal? Maybe you had the worst pain after more than 2 days? Are adjustments worse than the initial days in them for some people?

THanks for your time!

Jefferson 24 has no pain - me too!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:29 pm
by Julie08
I've had my upper teeth braced since Aug. 10, 2006 and have had the same experience. Some pressure - but not what I would call "pain" (which is a relative term - I've experienced kidney stones, a few migraines and childbirth that ended up emergency cesearean- so I compare everything against those). I think I read in a KK post that there usually shouldn't be pain with modern orthodontics. I had an adjustment yesterday, and the ortho put in the thickest wire they had -- and he said, "I'm apologizing in advance - because you are going to be in pain tonight." I'm grateful that there is no pain - just some pressure, it's hard to bite down with my front teeth - but not what I would call pain. I've eaten normally - actually, I just had some forbidden popcorn. I'm worried that means progress is not happening. Originally, I had hoped to get my lower braces on in 3-4 months, and after more than 5 months, I'm still not ready for them. I'm hoping that does not mean I will be in braces longer than the originally estimated 2 years. But don't get me wrong - I don't want pain!! I'm grateful this has been an easy experience so far - especially since I'm due for surgery in another 6 months - and am hoping that won't be as bad as I fear - but I am wondering why the experience is so different from what others report. I do have some irritation on inside of the mouth 3-4 days after an adjustment -but wax helps that tremendously. (Plus I've taken KK's advice and swished with salt water every night for 6 months).

So, in summary - I have the same concerns but am guessing that no pain is a very good thing!!!! :lol: Even if it means being in braces a few months longer. So - maybe "no pain, no gain" isn't always true!

Are you seeing progress the ortho finds fast enough??

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:17 pm
by jefferson24
What does your ortho think of your progress? I hate to be finding out in 6 months it was not going right? I go so infrequently to the ortho that in 6 months I would only see him 3 or 4 times..... I do share the concerns and I am so glad someone else has the same concerns. Thanks for your reply.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:24 pm
by *boom!*
For me, I didn't have much discomfort until 3 or 4 days after spacers went in and not much at all with the braces. I think I'm doing pretty well and things are moving right along, though. When I got my tops done they said it would be 3 or 4 adjustments before the bottoms went on and I had just one adjustment and they said the bottoms will be going on next month.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:28 pm
by JoviFan
No pain is music to my ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going in Jan 29 to get braced and am a little nervous about the 'pain'.....I'd stay in braces an extra month or 2 to forgo the pain!!!!!!!!!!!

Be educated and prepared NOT nervous

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:34 pm
by jefferson24
Jovi fan,

I am so kicking myself for not getting these sooner!! I think that I let others pain experiences hold me back for a long time and now I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner! I could have been out of the braces by now.... You will be fine if my first 2 days are any indicator.... I am thrilled to look at these in the mirror. They are too cool espcially knowing what they are doing for my smile.

You will be fine!!

Re: Be educated and prepared NOT nervous

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:36 pm
by JoviFan
jefferson24 wrote:Jovi fan,

I am so kicking myself for not getting these sooner!! I think that I let others pain experiences hold me back for a long time and now I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner! I could have been out of the braces by now.... You will be fine if my first 2 days are any indicator.... I am thrilled to look at these in the mirror. They are too cool espcially knowing what they are doing for my smile.

You will be fine!!
Yea, I should have done it 10+ years ago! LOL -- I'll be 40 in March :( :( ----- but, better late than never, right???? :lol: :lol:

Never too late

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:49 pm
by jefferson24
I am almost 37! 40 is young...
We will have to post our no pain pictures here sometime!
Take care,

Re: Never too late

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:56 pm
by JoviFan
jefferson24 wrote:I am almost 37! 40 is young...
We will have to post our no pain pictures here sometime!
Take care,
will do :)

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:46 am
by Lisa65
Jefferson - I think real "pain" as opposed to mild discomfort, is rare. The only time I've had actual pain is when I had my screw implants put in and they made inside of my mouth swell, causing my palatal arch to dig into the roof of my mouth. I've never had actual pain from an adjustment, just a little mild discomfort which wore off in about 2 days.

Modern orthodontics with modern heat activated archwires exert a constant gentle force on the teeth, as opposed to in the good old days when you had to go every month or so to have your wires tightened. It's a more gradual and gentle process altogether nowadays, and pain is the exception rather than the rule.


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:12 pm
by jefferson24
I wish the general concensus was what I now know and what you are all sharing. The first day in braces link is admitedly where I gathered much of the information I used to develope my expectations. I did try to do my research by reading all of those entries and the newbie information on the site and what stuck with me was the person who said he felt he had been hit in the face with a ball bat. Pretty extreme pain description! I only wanted to see what others experiences were with the less than expected pain levels and appreciate all input that was given. I think this is an important thing to get out so people are not intimidated into lack of action.
Thanks again,

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:21 pm
by Lisa65
If you want to know what orthodontics "used" to feel like, then check out posts by Huon :wink:


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:42 pm
by Julie08
Jefferson24 - to answer your question about what ortho said - he does not seem to think my progress is poor or excellent, from what I can tell- seems to have the attitude that it just "takes as long as it takes" and everyone is different- and it's very different with each person. I'm guessing that at 44 years old, maybe my teeth aren't moving quite as fast as someone 30 years younger - but then nothing on me is quite as it was 30 years ago, (darn, wish I appreciated things more back then!) so I guess that doesn't surprise me all that much.

Let's celebrate lack of pain (cheers - raising big glass of wine to you!) :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:56 pm
by ssfw
I have never had any pain during my orthodontic treatment and hope that continues :D . Sometimes during adjustments, I feel some pressure but not pain.

Good luck with your ortho treatment.


No Pain

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:52 pm
by purkeyrose
I think we're all worrying about the same things. I just got my braces two days ago and I haven't had any real pain yet. I can feel the pressure especially when I brush my teeth, but that's about it. I was worried too that that might mean there wasn't anything happening, so I'm glad to see that others are having the same experience. The only real pain I have is when I floss between a couple of my upper teeth. I think they are tighter than they usually are from the spacers. I'm hoping that as they start to move it will become easier. I'm still trying to get the hang of flossing with braces anyway. I have to look in the mirror so no more flossing while I watch television at night. I am having trouble flossing the back teeth especially the ones that have the bands on them. Either I can't get the floss threader through or the band tears the floss. I guess I'll keep working on that. I have ordered one of those oral irrigators to help clean that area. Other people have recommended it, so I'll try it out.