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Interesting (however I don't buy it) article on Yahoo today

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:26 am
by Higgy ... _uk_braces

Apparently their study suggests no psychological advantage to having braces....I don't buy it, but thought I would share it:)

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:33 am
by ghostmyimag3
I completely disagree with that article. If i had my braces when i was younger maybe i'd feel different and it would have no impact now. I think they should ask some of us adults who have lived with dental problems longer than the age of 12 or 13 whichever the standard age is now to get braces. Your image as an adult is important, i dont care what they say in that article. You are judged by your appearance most of the time.

I can verify that these braces even though its been just about 3 months but my self esteem has improved.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:20 am
by gunter8888
In my opinion, what this report really says is that most kids take it for granted. I know from talking to many of my friends that they got braces in their teens because mom and dad made them do it and many gave up wearing their retainers because the entire process was not of value to them. Some regret it now, but most hardly give it a thought.

I think that as we mature and become more aware of our appearance and our overall health we take a much greater interest in things like healthy, straight teeth.

The study asks if having braces improves their self image. It should also ask if NOT addressing orthodontic issues impacts self image negatively. The answer is probably a definite yes.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:58 am
by tommyfive
based on the article i don't believe that conclusion can be based on anything that can be proven. I'd like to see the list of questions and the statistics they gathered.

I know that many kids who are 'forced' to wear braces as a kid/teen almost view it almost as punishment, and I know some adults today who tell me that even if they had the money and the need to do it now, they had such a negative experience as a kid that they would never put themselves through it as an adult. For well-informed kids I'd think it depends on the severity of their situation and where they are socially when they have the treatment.

Kids with buck teeth or other severe problems are made fun of throughout their childhood; when their condition affects their speech or general appearance, it can have effects which last for years after that. A bad speech impediment, for example, can make it very difficult to interview well.

Can you tell me that correcting those problems as early as possible won't help them get past it sooner and prevent hard times as an adult?

They have no way to compare where kid x would have been if they had not had orthodontic treatment as a kid; it's all theory.

I have observed, being in control of it myself, that even a month before treatment is to start, I'm already thinking past the treatment. It's something I've wished was done in my teens forever, but who knows if it had been done then where I would be now? (I probably would have lost my retainer 2 weeks after the braces were off!)

I know I'm no longer looking in the mirror first thing in the morning and last thing before bed and asking myself when I'll do something about it. It's something i've already crossed off the to-do list, and it's made me feel better about myself, but I'm an adult with different perspective on life...

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:58 pm
by Kat
ya know, winning the lotto isn't going to bring happiness either...HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Oh yeah it will!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:54 pm
by Gennel
I think that kids do take this for granted . I know several adults who had braces when they were like 12 yrs old and its now 20+ yrs later to them it wasn't a big deal. Now ask me a female in her late 30's who grew up with messed up teeth and how I was treated. Now that my teeth have shown a big improvement I just feel better about myself. I keep eye contact all the time. It's true that this will not make my whole life happy. I just think that when you have positive feelings /confidence you will get good things in return.

I agree with Karen though, braces alone will not make a person happy and keep their lives happy.
