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Am I too sensitive?

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:35 pm
by genxsis
Today is my 1 year anniversary! :D

Now, you would think things would be alot easier by now. But when I go in for adjustments, it hurts alot! I can't help but sqwirm around or let out a groan when the assistant is putting the ties back on. It just really hurts! The last time I was there, the assistant said "Good grief, you'd think I was stabbing you with a knife or something!". We had a good laugh about that, but sometimes I wonder why it hurts me so much when at the same time I see other patients laying there going through their adjustments like it's not bothering them at all.

Before my last adjustment, I used an antisensitivity toothpaste for a few days prior to the appointment, and then took a couple tylonol the morning of the appointment. The adjustment still hurt like crazy! But why?

Does everyone else hurt during their adjustments, or is it just me?

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:01 pm
by JoeMama
I'm pretty whimpy at my adjustments too, even after a year. Don't feel bad, we're all different with our pain thresholds. My teeth are super sensitive and I HATE anyone doing anything to them. Your ortho and their assistants should be respectful of your sensitivity. I always warn the ortho and dentist ahead of time - "remember me, I hate you!" :wink: :D

(kidding about the hate thing, of course)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:06 pm
by genxsis
:P I'd love to tell them that, but I think they already hate me! :lol:

I kind of wonder about my ortho. He's really rough with me. He always does everything real fast and not very carefully. Last time, I thought he was trying to pull my mouth apart! He said I might be done with the braces around this summer. Now at least I have something to look forward to! 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:16 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Just out of curiosity is the soreness from the actual manipulation of your teeth i.e just touching them, or is it from the pressure applied? I know I'm a year in also and whenever I get my wires changed, or powerchains put on I have to support the back of my teeth with my tongue, as if I don't it is very uncomfortable. My assistant (I pretty much have the same one each time) is very gentle, she can tell if I wince and will usually put her finger behind the tooth she is working on for extra stability. She tries really hard to be sensitive to my pain. I mean sometimes it is rather unavoidable like when they are trying to close the doors on my self ligating brackets, over size 17 steel wires. Even then though, they take the time to do their best.


Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:14 am
by Pepper
I've only had two adjustments so far. The first one hurt SO much, but the second one barely hurt at ALL. The (very slight) pain didn't kick in until later the next day...and only because I got one elastic.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:59 pm
by genxsis
Thanks for your support everyone!

The pain I feel during the adjustment is when they're applying pressure as they put new ties and chains on. It's not nearly as bad when they're being taken off, but when the pressure has been off for awhile, then my teeth get much more sensitive for when they put the new ones on.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:22 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Wow Genexsis, a year has gone by quick, hasn't it? I just had my one year Braciversary too. Congratulations! :banana: :thumbsup: :banana:

My Adjustments tend to be a little on the rough side too; I usually just get new ligs and powerchain each time (I have one this arvo in fact, new powerchains for me! :roll:).
I find my ortho is extremely quick (especially at ripping that little bu&&ers off :evil:) and putting the new ones on. It's not quite wince-worthy pain but it's certainly quite tender, especially when he's putting a new powerchain on. Whenever any of the techs or other orthos change them, it's not so bad. I guess he's the boss and it's all fairly routine for him :roll:

To be honest I haven't really had any pain following an appointment for over six months, when they last changed my wires.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment :thumbsup: