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Only 12 brackets? to SecondTimer and anyone else

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:38 pm
by bracesat35
SecondTimer, I read your story on the other thread. We really are in similar positions. And you know, I have had these 12 brackets on for a few days and I just can't see how these will give the ortho the leverage to straighten the front teeth. Part of my problem is that on the bottom, one of my cuspids is sort of twisted. That is, it's facing forward instead of facing out as part of a curve. That cuspid is one of the "anchor" teeth as it is the last tooth on one side to have a bracket. So from what I see, that tooth will never get turned the way these brackets are. I suppose I could be wrong, but I am seriously questioning how good a correction I can get with only 12 brackets. I will ask the ortho at my next appt in a few weeks.

I would have gone for all the brackets and bands like you did. At this point, what would it matter? I have brackets on every single visible tooth right now anyway. :) And why would be going through this a second time if not to achieve a nearly perfect result? :D

Good luck and let's stay in touch!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:08 pm
by SecondTimer
If the cuspid is rotated, then I think it would be very difficult to rotate it without having at least the tooth behind it bracketed, but I really don't know for sure. You should definately ask your ortho.

My ortho just felt that it would be easier for him to expand the upper arch a little, giving him more room to straighten the lower teeth. The original plan was to flare the top teeth forward a little and shave the lower teeth with 12 brackets (6U/6L). The final plan was to broaden the upper arch, creating enough room to straighten the lower arch without shaving the teeth. This required 24 brackets (12U/12L)

Once I got over the initial shock of 'this is more than I signed on for', I have been pleased. Once the front teeth are bracketed, it doesn't make much difference what goes on behind. Plus I like this approach because the lower teeth don't have to be shaved.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:46 am
by bracesat35
Hi SecondTimer, when your doctor originally suggested shaving the bottom teeth, so you mean shaving the sides of the teeth or the tops? I like the sound of your new treatment plan.

I will be asking my ortho about the cuspids for sure. One is in the correct position and one is only very slightly rotated. I'll bet he's thinking that it's fine the way it is, but if he can get a better correction with all the teeth bracketed I will probably go that way.

Thanks for sharing your experience. It's very helpful to compare. :-)

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:01 am
by SecondTimer
The initial plan was to shave the sides of the lower teeth so the arch could be rounded within the space afforded by the upper arch. But after reviewing the models and x-rays, the ortho decided it'd be better to 'broaden' the upper arch slightly. I only had something like 3mm of crowding in the upper arch (which surprised me because I thought there was none) and 4mm of crowding in the lower arch so we're not talking about major crowding. Extracting a lower incisor was also discussed as a possibility if things didn't work out as planned. On my third adjustment, I was assured this would not be necessary as my teeth are moving as planned. That made me feel better, because I'm not sure I would have actually gone through with that!

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:14 pm
by bracesat35
Great news that the teeth are moving as planned. :) I will post an update after my first adjustment in 2 1/2 weeks!