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3rd and 4th Adjustment

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:47 pm
by tyrablu
My third and fourth adjustment have passed, I didn't have time to update.

My lowers have been on since October '06. I have had one wire change and a new power chain every 4 weeks when I go in for an adjustment. The spaces on the bottom have closed quite a bit (sorry I dont have pics).

My uppers were just braced on 02/05/07. They needed to push my lowers back to get room for the top arch. My ortho had said I would have gotten my upper arch on 6 months into treatment, however they decided to do them now. So I guess this means my progress is going good.

I must say I feel weird with a mouth full of metal. Before it was just my bottom arch, which hardly anyone noticed. But I have no regrets. I just hope I get them off sooner than the 2-2.5 years that the ortho gave me.

By the way my treatment is to close spacing on both my top and bottom arch. And to also coordinate the arches (that what my chart says).

Till next time

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:56 am
by plsandiego
I loved the early adjustments. All that they did was to change the ligs and pull the wire. The more crooked your teeth are the easier it is. The straighter they are you don't look forward to the next month. :evil: