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debanding surprise!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:06 am
by mandaluv
hey, i just went in for a consult on switching from my braces to some sort of clear aligner.. for a little background, i have had braces for about 9 months and had 9 months of treatment to go. so anyway, before i even had to say anything today, he said he could have me debanded within an hour and a half and i go in tomorrow to pick up my aligners!!!!! they are clear aligners that he will tweak for me to perform the minimal movement that is left for my teeth. so now, my teeth are naked and ALMOST perfect. but i am SOOOOO happy! yay!

so as for the debanding experience.... i had system R's on the bottom which are self ligating metal brackets. they popped right off. on the top, i had ceramics, and they were much more difficult to pry off. they fractured into many pieces and he had to drill part of them off. so it kinda hurt on the top, but so worth it. anyway, i'll keep everyone updated on my new "braces" experience that begins tomorrow. maybe i'll even post some pics. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:40 pm
by lionfish
Thats great, mandaluv, 9 months early too!