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Teeth Soreness Question

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:17 pm
by happytoday1
I am 43 and I got my braces on in November 2006. My teeth still get very sore at times, top and bottom. My last ortho visit was about 4 weeks ago and they put some power trains on. My teeth were still sore at that point too and it felt like my teeth were being pulled when they were putting them on.

My question is, is this normal to have teeth still be so sore on and off? Even days after an ortho appt.? My next appt. is Monday and I can't hardly bare the thought of having my teeth messed with.

Thanks so much for your help.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:09 pm
by joney
Sorry that your teeth are still sore. I also had my brace fitted in November but haven't really experienced much soreness. I think that the sensodyne toothpaste definitely helps. Everybody seems different, my eldest daughter had terrible soreness with her brace but my youngest daughter (and me) haven't really had any pain to speak of (yet! and never I hope!) I do get some tenderness from time to time however. I hope it eases up for you soon.


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:25 pm
by Regina Rose
happytoday1, your experience with braces sounds very similar to mine.

I got braces last March at the age of 50 (I'm one of those adult relapse cases) and have almost always had a fair amount of pain (that's PAIN, not discomfort) between adjustments (I've had powerchains since my first adjustment).

And yes, the pain comes and goes - in fact, sometimes it's actually worse a week or two after an adjustment than in the days immediately following the adjustment. Sometimes it's all my teeth, sometimes just one side, sometimes just an individual tooth. I've never found any logical pattern to it.

Fortunately I can tolerate ibuprofen very well and it has made all the difference for me. I take it not just for the pain between adjustments but also prior to adjustments because, like you, I find my teeth are sensitive even when the chains are taken off. Part of this, I think, is that most of the ortho assistants who do this just aren't that experienced; luckily for me my ortho almost always replaces them himself and he has great hands - makes all the difference! :D

Make sure you discuss your pain situation with your ortho - he or she may want to schedule your appointments at longer intervals to give your teeth more time to recover.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:03 pm
by snaggletooth steve
35 here and very similar experieces to the others with random pain. Just this morning I was griping about the various teeth that hurt - and they were in no particular order. In my case the good news is that along with the pain has been a ton of movement. Right now I'm ok but for dinner I had hotdogs and it was impossible to bite them with my front teeth.

I just had an adjustment a week ago... so i'm worse than usual.


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:55 am
by happytoday1
Thank you for your replies. I will speak to my ortho. I have told them I am sore everytime I go but they don't say too much, but I am really going to make a point this time.
