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44 year old newbie to be braced on 3/9

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:17 pm
by ccrisis
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for about a year and am finally getting braced on 3/9. I'm 44 years old, female and have needed braces for 30 years. Like alot of you my parents couldn't afford it then -- then I was too self conscious when I got older. I'm terribly nervous about how they will look (ceramics on top, metal on the bottom). I have a deep overbite so they will be pretty visible, but I figure my teeth look so bad now, that the braces can't be much worse (and will get better every day). Reading all of your posts have really given me the encouragement I needed to take the plunge, so thanks to you all and I look forward to reading about all of your progress


yep....almost 40 and braced

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:25 pm
by tamsteve
Hello, welcome to the group!! yeah i've been in braces now for 6 mths. I will be the big 40 in june. I have metal top and bottom. I felt the same way as you....but, it's no big deal now. When you see the progress that happens you will be amazed!! Good luck :)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:34 pm
by onedayperfect
Welcome, glad you have finally decided to get braced, you wont regret one second of it! all the best 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:35 pm
by Lisa65
hi there from another member of the 40s club. I am 41 and have had my braces for 6 months or so.

Braces are a huge deal to us, but not to the other people we meet. I've got full metal, but have had very few comments from people. Just smile :D and be proud of what you're doing.

look forward to hearing how it goes for you.


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:37 pm
by JenP
Congratulations on getting up the courage to do this! I'm in pretty much the same boat -- 35 and getting my top braces on a week from today. Like you, I'm doing ceramic tops/metal bottoms. I'm both excited and really nervous at the same time. Good luck!

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:19 pm
by gramsinbraces
Hi< I'm also 47 and will be braced in 5 days!! Eww it's getting closer! This website is awsome, everyone is so nice and knows just how we are feeling. Good luck to you, talk to you again soon.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:52 pm
by Ives
Welcome from another newbie who is soon to be braced ( march 1st ).
I am 44 and just found out a few days ago am soon to be grandfather.
Man , when did I get old enough to be a grandfather,,, yikes !!!!!
Ive just been reading through all the info on this web site. The designer did an awesome job. Ive just been here a couple of days and learned tons. Gotta figure out a way to take some before and after pics. Maybe i'll post some if I figure it out.


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:15 pm
by ssfw
Congratulations on making the decision to proceed with orthodontic treatment. Yes, it was a difficult decision for me too. I agree with all the people that have posted. I really feel the success to my ortho treatment has been, of course, due to this website and my orthodontists (there are 2 in my office) and their kind staff. My orthos and their staff are just the greatest and because of that I really enjoy going to my appts. They are always so helpful and never busy to answer my questions - I like to understand the process and think this has been a great learning experience for me.

I have had my braces for a few months and the only time I really think about them is when I'm eating. Otherwise, for now, I have never had to take any pain relief due to the braces.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:57 pm
by Ronsie
Congratulations! I'm 43, with a similar background (needed braces since i had my adult teeth) and have had my braces for 5 months now. I was self-conscious and a bit uncomfortable for the first few months but the improvement of my teeth has been nothing short of amazing. Now, I don't even remember that I wear braces AND the time has passed so quickly. The advice on this board was a tremendous help and without it I never would have taken the plunge. I also give people the full smile now.
Print out KK's advice! (Oops, i used it for the braces but not for the extractions two hours later and I almost had an accident in the chair!) It also helps to be prepared with some equipment if you can (wax, proxy brush, waterjet). And be sure to take photos of your teeth before the braces. I wasn't able to and i do regret it.

You won't regret your decision!! Enjoy your journey!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:47 pm
by toniz

Welcome from another member of the 40's club......(42 yrs)! This board is awesome! I lurked for about 6 mos. myself before I started posting and the knowledge I gained on this website was invaluable. Wonderful people here and I have the highest respect for those who have been braced for a while and care so much about the experience of the newbies here. I was just braced on 1/31 and had my SARPE on 2/1 and the people here definitely took away the fear of the unknown. :-)

Take care,

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:25 am
by Roobi9
Hi and welcome!
I am 45 (female) and was braced on 11/13/06! BELIEVE me I has serious second thoughts but it's the best decision I've ever made. I had a little fun with my parents telling them that they owe me $5,000 since it's "their" fault my teeth are so crooked and they let it go. Ha. They didn't think it was so funny though. :D
Nobody really pays attention after the initial "do you have braces" comment! I have ceramics top and bottom but I probably should have had metal on the bottom. Eating is a new experience and I've never brushed so much! The dentakit is something you should have before you get braced. Definately take before pictures - I did but they didn't come out very good. It's really fun to see the progress!!

Good luck and don't worry about your decision. It's the right one!! Stick with this website - it's really comforting.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:34 am
by joney
Another 40something here. I am 42 and I can definitely say the brace experience has been very positive. I wish I'd done it years ago but que sera sera. Whilst some people will notice the brace most people don't give a hoot really so after an initial period of self consciousness you'll forget all about them.

Good luck

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:17 pm
by samantha_lou
I'm 27 and just got my braces a week ago, but I actually worked with my orthodontist until very recently - and dealt with a lot of adult patients getting braces. I'm used to seeing a lot of people in their 40's, 50's and 60's getting braces - so good for you making this decision! I have the ceramics on the upper and metal on the lowers too. I have clear ligs on my ceramics, and they really are very discreet.

Good luck, and I'm looking forward to seeing photos!

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:30 pm
by dramaqueendaisy

Guess what...I'm due to have my braces that day too!

I'm 37 and I've already got 4 molar bands and two brackets right up there at the very back and I'm slowly getting used to them :D I had two teeth out last Wednesday and two more to be done on Mon (nice).

I'm very excited about brace day...I just want it all in so I can just get on with my life. I'm having ceramics up top and possibly below too but they could be metal...ortho hasn't decided yet.

My problem is a big overbite and thumbsucking as a child...I can't wait to see some difference in my smile as I hate it at the moment.

So good luck...we can definitely compare notes from brace day onwards!


Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:16 pm
by Jembrace
Welcome to the fortysomething braces club! I've been in full metal braces for two months, am pretty comfortable with the whole setup. I've needed braces for a long time, just never got the courage to commit to the financial stress.

You'll be fine, KK has great advice about what to do to prepare for getting braced! This forum is an awesome place to get answers and support!
