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Any last minute tips?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:04 pm
by itsjustme
I'm getting my braces on monday, and I feel totally unprepared! I don't have any idea if the ortho office will give me any supplies (wax and such,) or if I need to make a big last minute shopping trip for things I might need. Any shopping list items that are a must? I just need enough stuff to get me through the first week.

I have taken the day off of work, and back to work on tuesday, I've warned everyone that I will be lisping like mad! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:31 pm
by 19Braceface
take a before pic of your entire face..not only your teeth... :lol: smiling shut...and your profile, so you can see the changes your face might make...also kiss your significant last time before you get the braces on and not just one of those "dad mom" kiss...kiss with passion... remember how nice it feels without the brace...but besides that, don't worry, it won't hurt *personal opinion* and it the B-day process will be over in no time....vaseline for your lips! crucial...!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:00 pm
by LuckyOne
Hi, I’m sure you will find this elsewhere, and others are much more knowledgeable, but here is my two cents:

1) Keep in mind they may want to take some pictures and the forms you sign may contain permission for them to use the pics. Some are more like portraits and some contain a lot detail (e.g. hair) around your mouth. Even if others don’t see them, they will be a part of your file. You may or may not care what they look like.

2) Brush and floss thoroughly before you go. Depending on your flossing technique, flossing can be significantly more difficult. My dentist gave me floss threaders, but I think the self-threading floss will help – I plan to look for some today. So it may not be critical for the first week, but you may wish you had them.

3) An electric toothbrush. I use both the sonicare and Oral-B Triumph (I bought one and the other was a gift – one at home the other at the office). I think this varies from person to person, but the Oral-B FlossAction brush head cleaned better between my teeth than the sonicare. This was prebraces, but I think it indicates the FlossAction brush head cleans between things better than the sonicare. As far as I know, everyone I know that has a sonicare loves it. Both do a great job on the front and back of my teeth! There is also an Oral-B Power Tip (I have it but have not used it) and an Oral-B Ortho brush head (I don’t have) which are made for cleaning around dental work. I think either electric toothbrush is a big help over a manual toothbrush. Again, this is not essential for the first week, but I think you will appreciate it if you have it (especially since flossing can be a chore).

4) Think about soft foods that you like and shop accordingly. My doctor told me that the adhesive holding the brackets in place is still curing for the first few days, so it is especially important to keep the pressure off of them. You should ask your doctor. Also if your teeth become sensitive to pressure, you will want softer foods. I thought bread and tortillas were soft, but I was surprised how tough it was to bite through them (of course, you can cut it up in bite size pieces). Plus I was surprised how much food gets trapped above and below the braces. Soup can be a nice choice.

Good Luck!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:30 pm
by Pepper
My orthodontist gave me a bunch of things right after I got them on.